Ubuntu 14.04 cannot add workspaces; no Unity bar

Asked by Chuck Torrens

Since upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04.1 from 12.04, 2 things have happened:
1) I cannot add workspaces (I'm annoyed that they were disabled by Ubuntu during the upgrade :( ). When I click add workstpace using the Cairo applet, nothing happens (I enabled them when I logged in to Ubuntu default).

2) No unity launcher (left sidebar) and no unity bar at the top (I liked having them there)

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Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) said :


> 1) I cannot add workspaces

Yes, it seems Compiz/Unity devs have disable workspaces by default. You can add more workspace by using Unity Tweak Tool or Compiz Config Settings Manager (CCSM). Or you can also launch these commands from a terminal:

    $ gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ hsize 2
    $ gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ vsize 2
    $ gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ hsize 2
    $ gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ vsize 2

> 2) No unity launcher (left sidebar) and no unity bar at the top (I liked having them there)

Which session are you using? If you're using a Cairo-Dock session, by default you shouldn't have this Unity Launcher and top bar. If you want to enable it, you can:
 * Start the Ubuntu session and launch the dock (you can use the Launch at startup option from the right click menu)
 * Or you can launch the CCSM to enable Compiz's Unity plugin or use this command:

   $ a=`gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins`; echo gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins "${a:0:-1}, 'unity']"

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) said :

Sorry, for the last command, I forgot to remove an "echo":

    $ a=`gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins`; gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins "${a:0:-1}, 'unity']"

Revision history for this message
Chuck Torrens (hockeybum27) said :

Thanks Matthieu Baerts, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Chuck Torrens (hockeybum27) said :

Matthieu, thanks for the assistance- however, only one of my issues (workspaces - #1 above - was solved).

For #2 here are the issues I'm having; my goal is to get what I had with Cairo with 12.04, which was Unity launcher and and the status bar at the top; however, if I could get certain features I could go without:

With the Unity Plugin disabled:
1) I don't get the Ununtu lens or launch button or whatever, which I use a lot. I also like having the launcher bar on the left. If I could have the lens or whatever on CD, then I'd be ok with that.
2) I am also missing the top bar, which I used for many things (I like the date and system menu). I could live without if I can resolve issues with the top dock bar (see below), since I could probably make it work/look much like the standard one, but ideally I'd like to be able to use either.
3) if I set the system option for display to display application menus in the application title bar, it does not work in Cairo-dock (app menus show up nowhere, and I have to hit Alt to get a popup application menu)

With the Unity plugin Enabled:
1) there is no top bar, and I cannot see the application menu anywhere (there is no top bar to display in, and it does not show up in the application title bar; I have to hit Alt)
2) the top dock is always disappearing behind the top bar, no matter what display option I select (reserve space, always on top, etc.).

Revision history for this message
Chuck Torrens (hockeybum27) said :


I think I'm close - I just nee to get the syntax of those 2 commands you sent me. Here is what I am trying:

a=`gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins`;
{a:0:-1}, 'unity']

Between each of the lines, I am hitting the Enter key. The first command (setting a) seems to work (no error, and I get the command prompt).
On the 2nd line I am getting an error:

{a:0:-1},: command not found

I am certain if you help me with this part - the getting the Unity top and side bar back - I will be golden!
FMI - is it possible to get either/or - that is, JUST the launcher (left bar) OR the bar across the top?

I apologize for all these questions - I have really enjoyed CD under 12.04 and want to get it working great under 14.04 as well, and I'm not a compiz wizard :)



Revision history for this message
Chuck Torrens (hockeybum27) said :

PS - if I follow the idea of launching CD while logged in to an Ubuntu Unity session - will that mean I no longer have the option to log in to the standard Unity login - that is, will it modify the default login and replace it with a CD (Unity)?

Revision history for this message
Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) said :

For #1: I just added a special case in the development version for Compiz's users: now if you want to add/remove desktops, it will only add workspaces (it's not nice to use more than one desktop with Compiz) and do that via DBus instead of via X11 (it will save the new state because Compiz doesn't save changes made from X11)
You can test this new feature by adding our "Weekly PPA" => http://www.glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=ppa%20Weekly&lang=en
 (note: the new version should be available in less than 5 minutes)

For #2:
> 1) I don't get the Ununtu lens or launch button

You can use our Default-Panel theme to have something like that: http://download.tuxfamily.org/glxdock/communication/images/3.1/png/0.png
The Applications Menu applet contains a search box to quickly find an application (you can hit Ctrl+F1 shortkey). You can also use the Recent Events applet to find a file that has been created/opened recently or the last apps that you have launched, etc.
Another tool like Synapse can also help you to replace the Unity menu (but yes, you'll maybe not find all features but there are maybe too much feature ;-) )

> 2) I am also missing the top bar

The Default-Panel theme can help you.
If you like GTK Panel, you can maybe launch the Gnome Classic session (I think you need to install 'gnome-panel' packages => http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/how-to-install-and-tweak-gnome.html ) or use an application like 'Tint2' bar.

> 3) if I set the system option for display to display application menus in the application title bar, it does not work in Cairo-dock

Are you talking about the "Global Menu" feature? (the menu of any apps in the top bar)
Yes, we have an applet to do that but it is still in Beta (not available in our Stable releases). But about the problem, the menus should not be in the middle of nowhere. Maybe you need to restart the session or disable this option.

> 1) With the Unity plugin Enabled: there is no top bar, and I cannot see the application menu anywhere

Strange, maybe you have to use the 'Ubuntu' session to use this Unity plugin.

> 2) the top dock is always disappearing behind the top bar

Which top dock? You can not have two panels/docks at the same position: X11 doesn't handle this case.

> I just nee to get the syntax of those 2 commands you sent me

It's not 2 commands but only one (it's Launchpad which has added new lines :-) )

a=`gsettings get org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins`; gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/Default/plugins/core/ active-plugins "${a:0:-1}, 'unity']"

> will that mean I no longer have the option to log in to the standard Unity login - that is, will it modify the default login and replace it with a CD (Unity)?

If fact, you can launch the Unity session and then start the dock (e.g. from Unity's dash). Then you can add Cairo-Dock into the list of apps which are automatically launched at startup: you will have Unity and Cairo-Dock at startup. To do that, you can simply do a right click on the dock / Cairo-Dock / Launch at startup.

PS: note that it's no longer possible to only have the Unity top bar without Unity's dock but you can modify Unity settings (with Unity-Tweak-Tool or CCSM) to always hide this Unity dock ;-)

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