[GCC newbie] Can't find any explanations about <UNDEFINED> or <UNPREDICTABLE> statements in list file

Asked by Bommel

Hi @All,

first of all a short summary.
My company decided to go with a Spansion ARM Cortex M3 (MB9BF516N) and the GCC toolchain. Reason ist, that all of our former SOFTUNE Workbench source code can be easily ported (cause of Peripherial). As IDE we use Eclipse with the Kepler pulg-In.

After a few days now, I wrote a working Linker-Script & Startup-Files (they seem to be more stable the the ones from iSystems e.g. Atollic).

Compile an AS options are (Console Output):
'Building file: ../source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.S'
'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Assembler'
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mthumb -Os -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common -fno-builtin -Wall -x assembler-with-cpp -I"..\1st_test\source\CMSIS" -I"..\1st_test\source\FM_510R" -Wa,-adhlns="source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o.lst" -MMD -MP -MF"source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.d" -MT"source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o" -c -o "source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o" "../source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.S"
'Finished building: ../source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.S'
' '
'Building file: ../source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.c'
'Invoking: Cross ARM C Compiler'
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mthumb -Os -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common -fno-builtin -Wall -I"..\1st_test\source\CMSIS" -I"..\1st_test\source\FM_510R" -Wbad-function-cast -Wa,-adhlns="source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.o.lst" -MMD -MP -MF"source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.d" -MT"source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.o" -c -o "source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.o" "../source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.c"
'Finished building: ../source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.c'
' '
'Building target: 1st_test.elf'
'Invoking: Cross ARM C Linker'
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mthumb -Os -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common -fno-builtin -Wall -T "C:\PRG_DEV\Eclipse_Workspace\1st_test\source\SCRIPTS\MB9F516N_hsh_link_c.ld" -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -Xlinker --gc-sections -Xlinker --print-gc-sections -s -Wl,-Map,"1st_test.map" -Xlinker --cref -v -lgcc -lc -lm -lnosys -mapcs -o "1st_test.elf" ./source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o ./source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.o ./source/HSH/vfd/noritake_40.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs0_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs0_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs3_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs3_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs4_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs4_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/i2c/mfs6_i2c.o ./source/HSH/can/can0.o ./source/HSH/can/can0_application_rx.o ./source/HSH/can/can0_application_tx.o ./source/HSH/can/can1.o ./source/HSH/can/can1_application_rx.o ./source/HSH/can/can1_application_tx.o ./source/HSH/LowLevel/sbrk.o ./source/HSH/IRQHandlers.o ./source/HSH/main.o ./source/HSH/systick.o ./source/FM_510R/system_mb9bf51x.o
Using built-in specs.
COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=c:/prg_dev/gnu\ tools\ arm\ embedded/4.9\ 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/lto-wrapper.exe
Target: arm-none-eabi
Configured with: /home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/src/gcc/configure --build=i686-linux-gnu --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=arm-none-eabi --prefix=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw --libexecdir=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/lib --infodir=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/info --mandir=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/man --htmldir=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/html --pdfdir=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/pdf --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-decimal-float --disable-libffi --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap --disable-libquadmath --disable-libssp --disable-libstdcxx-pch --disable-nls --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-tls --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-headers=yes --with-newlib --with-python-dir=share/gcc-arm-none-eabi --with-sysroot=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/install-mingw/arm-none-eabi --with-libiconv-prefix=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-gmp=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-mpfr=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-mpc=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-isl=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-cloog=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-libelf=/home/build/work/GCC-4-9-build/build-mingw/host-libs/usr --with-host-libstdcxx='-static-libgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic -lm' --with-pkgversion='GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors' --with-multilib-list=armv6-m,armv7-m,armv7e-m,armv7-r
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.9.3 20141119 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_9-branch revision 218278] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)
COMPILER_PATH=c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/
LIBRARY_PATH=c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/armv7-m/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/;c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../arm-none-eabi/lib/
COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-mcpu=cortex-m3' '-march=armv7-m' '-mthumb' '-Os' '-fmessage-length=0' '-ffunction-sections' '-fdata-sections' '-fno-common' '-fno-builtin' '-Wall' '-T' 'C:\PRG_DEV\Eclipse_Workspace\1st_test\source\SCRIPTS\MB9F516N_hsh_link_c.ld' '-nostartfiles' '-nodefaultlibs' '-nostdlib' '-s' '-v' '-mapcs' '-o' '1st_test.elf'
 c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/collect2.exe -plugin c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/liblto_plugin-0.dll -plugin-opt=c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/lto-wrapper.exe -plugin-opt=-fresolution=C:\Users\LoCrux\AppData\Local\Temp\ccuk7Yje.res --sysroot=c:\prg_dev\gnu tools arm embedded\4.9 2014q4\bin\../arm-none-eabi -X -o 1st_test.elf -s -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/armv7-m -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3 -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib -Lc:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../arm-none-eabi/lib --gc-sections --print-gc-sections -Map 1st_test.map --cref -lgcc -lc -lm -lnosys ./source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o ./source/STARTUP/startup_c_MB9F516N_hsh.o ./source/HSH/vfd/noritake_40.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs0_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs0_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs3_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs3_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs4_uart.o ./source/HSH/uart/mfs4_uart_interpret.o ./source/HSH/i2c/mfs6_i2c.o ./source/HSH/can/can0.o ./source/HSH/can/can0_application_rx.o ./source/HSH/can/can0_application_tx.o ./source/HSH/can/can1.o ./source/HSH/can/can1_application_rx.o ./source/HSH/can/can1_application_tx.o ./source/HSH/LowLevel/sbrk.o ./source/HSH/IRQHandlers.o ./source/HSH/main.o ./source/HSH/systick.o ./source/FM_510R/system_mb9bf51x.o -T C:\PRG_DEV\Eclipse_Workspace\1st_test\source\SCRIPTS\MB9F516N_hsh_link_c.ld
c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: Removing unused section '.fm3_info' in file './source/STARTUP/startup_asm_MB9F516N_hsh.o'
c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: Removing unused section '.text.vfd_cmd' in file './source/HSH/vfd/noritake_40.o'
c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: Removing unused section '.text._reclaim_reent' in file 'c:/prg_dev/gnu tools arm embedded/4.9 2014q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m\libc.a(lib_a-reent.o)'
'Finished building target: 1st_test.elf'
' '
make --no-print-directory post-build
'Create Srec'
"C:\PRG_DEV\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.9 2014q4\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe" -O srec "C:\PRG_DEV\Eclipse_Workspace\1st_test\Debug\1st_test.elf" "C:\PRG_DEV\Eclipse_Workspace\1st_test\Debug\1st_test.srec"
' '
'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Create Listing'
arm-none-eabi-objdump --source --all-headers --demangle --line-numbers --wide "1st_test.elf" > "1st_test.lst"
'Finished building: 1st_test.lst'
' '
'Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Print Size'
arm-none-eabi-size --format=berkeley "1st_test.elf"
   text data bss dec hex filename
  31988 2172 2440 36600 8ef8 1st_test.elf
'Finished building: 1st_test.siz'
' '

10:40:34 Build Finished (took 19s.920ms)


It works anyway after flashing the MCU. But in the listing file I dicovered a lot
of "<UNDEFINED> instruction" or <UNPREDICTABLE>.

see here:
1st_test.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
architecture: arm, flags 0x00000102:
start address 0x00000101

Program Header:
0x70000001 off 0x0000fcec vaddr 0x00007cec paddr 0x00007cec align 2**2
         filesz 0x00000008 memsz 0x00000008 flags r--
    LOAD off 0x00008000 vaddr 0x00000000 paddr 0x00000000 align 2**15
         filesz 0x00007cf4 memsz 0x00007cf4 flags r-x
    LOAD off 0x00010000 vaddr 0x1fff8000 paddr 0x00007cf4 align 2**15
         filesz 0x0000087c memsz 0x00001204 flags rw-
private flags = 5000202: [Version5 EABI] [soft-float ABI] [has entry point]

Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn Flags
  0 .isr_vector 00000100 00000000 00000000 00008000 2**2 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, DATA
  1 .text 00007110 00000100 00000100 00008100 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, CODE
  2 .rodata 00000adc 00007210 00007210 0000f210 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, DATA
  3 .ARM.exidx 00000008 00007cec 00007cec 0000fcec 2**2 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, DATA
  4 .data 0000087c 1fff8000 00007cf4 00010000 2**3 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  5 .bss 00000988 1fff887c 00008570 0001087c 2**2 ALLOC
  6 .heap 00002000 1fff9208 1fff9208 00010880 2**3 CONTENTS
  7 .stack 00008000 1fff9208 1fff9208 00012880 2**3 CONTENTS
  8 .comment 00000070 00000000 00000000 0001a880 2**0 CONTENTS, READONLY
  9 .ARM.attributes 00000029 00000000 00000000 0001a8f0 2**0 CONTENTS, READONLY
no symbols

Disassembly of section .text:

00000100 <.text>:
     100: d064f8df ldrdle pc, [r4], #-143 ; 0xffffff71 ; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     104: 491a4819 ldmdbmi sl, {r0, r3, r4, fp, lr}
     108: f04f4a1a ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf04f4a1a
     10c: 42930300 addsmi r0, r3, #0, 6
     110: 680cd208 stmdavs ip, {r3, r9, ip, lr, pc}
     114: f1006004 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1006004
     118: f1010004 setend le
     11c: f1030104 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1030104
     120: e7f40304 ldrb r0, [r4, r4, lsl #6]!
     124: 4a154814 bmi 0x55217c
     128: 0300f04f movweq pc, #79 ; 0x4f ; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     12c: 0400f04f streq pc, [r0], #-79 ; 0x4f
     130: d2054293 andle r4, r5, #805306377 ; 0x30000009
     134: f1036004 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1036004
     138: f1000304 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1000304
     13c: e7f70004 ldrb r0, [r7, r4]!
     140: 4a10480f bmi 0x412184
     144: 0300f04f movweq pc, #79 ; 0x4f ; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     148: 0400f04f streq pc, [r0], #-79 ; 0x4f
     14c: d2054293 andle r4, r5, #805306377 ; 0x30000009
     150: f1036004 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1036004
     154: f1000304 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1000304
     158: e7f70004 ldrb r0, [r7, r4]!
     15c: 4780480a strmi r4, [r0, sl, lsl #16]
     160: 4780480a strmi r4, [r0, sl, lsl #16]
     164: 4700480a strmi r4, [r0, -sl, lsl #16]
     168: 20008000 andcs r8, r0, r0
     16c: 1fff8000 svcne 0x00ff8000
     170: 00007cf4 strdeq r7, [r0], -r4
     174: 0000087c andeq r0, r0, ip, ror r8
     178: 1fff887c svcne 0x00ff887c
     17c: 00000988 andeq r0, r0, r8, lsl #19
     180: 1fff9208 svcne 0x00ff9208
     184: 00002000 andeq r2, r0, r0
     188: 000026d9 ldrdeq r2, [r0], -r9
     18c: 0000264d andeq r2, r0, sp, asr #12
     190: 000001f9 strdeq r0, [r0], -r9
     194: 8000f3af andhi pc, r0, pc, lsr #7
     198: f0204668 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0204668
     19c: 468d0107 strmi r0, [sp], r7, lsl #2
     1a0: 4a07b501 bmi 0x1ed5ac
     1a4: 78132000 ldmdavc r3, {sp}
     1a8: 33014601 movwcc r4, #5633 ; 0x1601
     1ac: 7013b2db ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x7013b2db
     1b0: f0004a04 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0004a04
     1b4: e8bdfa19 pop {r0, r3, r4, r9, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
     1b8: 46854001 strmi r4, [r5], r1
     1bc: bf004770 svclt 0x00004770
     1c0: 1fff887c svcne 0x00ff887c
     1c4: 00007210 andeq r7, r0, r0, lsl r2
     1c8: f0204668 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0204668
     1cc: 468d0107 strmi r0, [sp], r7, lsl #2
     1d0: 4a07b501 bmi 0x1ed5dc
     1d4: 78132001 ldmdavc r3, {r0, sp}
     1d8: 33012100 movwcc r2, #4352 ; 0x1100
     1dc: 7013b2db ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x7013b2db
     1e0: f0004a04 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0004a04
     1e4: e8bdfa01 pop {r0, r9, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
     1e8: 46854001 strmi r4, [r5], r1
     1ec: bf004770 svclt 0x00004770
     1f0: 1fff887d svcne 0x00ff887d
     1f4: 0000721a andeq r7, r0, sl, lsl r2
     1f8: ffe0f001 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xffe0f001
     1fc: b1804603 orrlt r4, r0, r3, lsl #12
     200: 4a082100 bmi 0x208608
     204: f0002002 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0002002
     208: f3bff9ef vtbx.8 d15, {d31-<overflow reg d32}, d31
     20c: 49068f4f stmdbmi r6, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r6, r8, r9, sl, fp, pc}
     210: 68ca4b06 stmiavs sl, {r1, r2, r8, r9, fp, lr}^
     214: 62e0f402 rscvs pc, r0, #33554432 ; 0x2000000
     218: 60cb4313 sbcvs r4, fp, r3, lsl r3
     21c: 8f4ff3bf svchi 0x004ff3bf
     220: bf00e7fe svclt 0x0000e7fe
     224: 00007223 andeq r7, r0, r3, lsr #4
     228: e000ed00 and lr, r0, r0, lsl #26
     22c: 05fa0004 ldrbeq r0, [sl, #4]!
     230: 4b17b508 blmi 0x5ed658
     234: f8b32005 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8b32005
     238: f36f2204 vhsub.u32 d18, d15, d4
     23c: f8a3220f ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8a3220f
     240: f8b32204 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8b32204
     244: f0422404 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0422404
     248: f8a30240 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8a30240
     24c: f8b32404 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8b32404
     250: f0422404 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0422404
     254: f8a30280 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8a30280
     258: f8b32404 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8b32404
     25c: f36f2404 vshl.u32 d18, d4, d15
     260: f8a31245 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8a31245
     264: f0012404 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0012404
     268: 2200fee8 andcs pc, r0, #232, 28 ; 0xe80
     26c: f8d34b08 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8d34b08
     270: 04091304 streq r1, [r9], #-772 ; 0x304
     274: 3201d504 andcc sp, r1, #4, 10 ; 0x1000000
     278: 020cf3c2 andeq pc, ip, #134217731 ; 0x8000003
     27c: d1f52a00 mvnsle r2, r0, lsl #20
     280: 2204f8b3 andcs pc, r4, #11730944 ; 0xb30000
     284: 427ff442 rsbsmi pc, pc, #1107296256 ; 0x42000000
     288: 2204f8a3 andcs pc, r4, #10682368 ; 0xa30000
     28c: bf00bd08 svclt 0x0000bd08
     290: 40033000 andmi r3, r3, r0
     294: b5382800 ldrlt r2, [r8, #-2048]! ; 0x800
     298: 2580bf0c strcs fp, [r0, #3852] ; 0xf0c
     29c: b1092584 smlabblt r9, r4, r5, r2
     2a0: 0501f045 streq pc, [r1, #-69] ; 0x45
     2a4: f7ff4c15 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff4c15
     2a8: f8b4ffc3 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8b4ffc3
     2ac: 20053404 andcs r3, r5, r4, lsl #8
     2b0: 1386f36f orrne pc, r6, #-1140850687 ; 0xbc000001
     2b4: 3404f8a4 strcc pc, [r4], #-2212 ; 0x8a4
     2b8: 3404f8b4 strcc pc, [r4], #-2228 ; 0x8b4
     2bc: 1345f36f movtne pc, #21359 ; 0x536f ; <UNPREDICTABLE>

So what does this mean. I can't find any useful information about these comments.

ThanX for the Answers

Question information

English Edit question
GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Edit question
No assignee Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Thomas Preud'homme (thomas-preudhomme) said :

Hi Bommel,

This looks to me there is some data at the start of your section. If it's everywhere there's probably something wrong but if it's localized to a few places it might be litteral pools for instance. Normally arm-none-eabi-objdump -d will not try to disassemble what it knows not to be an instruction. I assume the output comes from eclipse running arm-none-eabi-objdump -D.

Can you check if you still see this when running arm-none-eabi-objdump -d on your test.elf program?

Best regards.

Revision history for this message
Bommel (u-launchpad-h) said :

Hi Thomas,

thanks for the answer. I ran the arm-none-eabi-objdump -d on my elf. It shows up everyhere.

I uploaded the complete disassembly to: http://codeviewer.org/view/code:4cc3 (visible for 21 days from now on)

So is there something wrong with my linker script??

Revision history for this message
Joey Ye (jinyun-ye) said :

Hi, Bommel,

As the .lst suggests that you stripped all symbols from .elf, although I didn't figure out at which step it was stripped.

Then the undefined instructions you found in .lst is expected. Disassembler uses some special symbols called mapping symbol to decide if the section content is ARM/Thumb/data. Since the symbols are removed, objdump does not have a hint and it disasms as ARM mode instructions.

My suggestion will be to avoid stripping the .elf.


Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask Bommel for more information if necessary.

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