Background of Password Screen doesn´t change, only "loading" background

Asked by Lotussteve


I´m using the version 0.3.4 (just now saw that a new one has arrived) and have imagemagick installed, but it only changes the wallpaper displayed when GDM is loading (the splashscreen with the animated ubuntu logo), not the one shown while you put in credentials.
This one i can only change via "gksudo -u gdm dbuslaunch gnome-properties-setting....." (IIRC, am not in front of the karmic PC right now)

Am i doing something wrong here :) ?



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Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


I was now able to update my ideapad S10e to the new version 0.3.6 (which says it is 0.3.5 in "info") and now the change of the image file in the "wallpaper" tab doesn´t change anything anymore:

a.) It stays the old image after choosing one with the filebrowserdialog (same as in 0.3.4)
b.) It stays the old image while loadin gdm (splashscreen) (this image was changed in 0.3.4)
c.) It stays the old image while on the "login" screen (same as in 0.3.4)

old image == the image i choose via gnome-properties-settings as user "gdm" as found on ubuntuforums.

Can i provide any more info?



Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

Can you provide a gconf dump of the settings for the background?

Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

Can you provide a gconf dump of the settings for the background?

Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

Never mind - this appears to have been a bug ( and is now resolved.

Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


I today had the time to update to version 0.5 and have to report that the problem persists:

1.) After a new image is selected the old one is still displayed on the wallpaper tab

2.) The desired image is used while the Ubuntu Splashscreen is visible (with the moving logo)

3.) The old image is displayed as background on the "login" page

4.) The desired, new image is shown while the splashscreen reappears

5.) Finally, the background of GNOME appears, which is different to the GDM background in my case.

I don't see any error messages that seem to be relevant when i start this tool via a gnome terminal.

Can i provide any more infos? (May it be related to me having in the past changed the GDM Background via gksudo -u gdm dbuslaunch gnome-session-properties?)

Thanks in advance for help,



Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


Can i check any settings/gconf keys or something that may help?

I'm testing this tool since it was first published, if that matters :) !



Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

Yes, please post the output of the following commands:

    sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 -a "/desktop/gnome/background"
    ls -la /usr/share/images/xsplash

Please also visually verify that the image listed in the gconf settings that were output above as 'picture_filename' is (or is not) the image you had selected.

We will attempt to resolve this as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot replicate the issue in-house at this time - so your continued assistance is very appreciated.

Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


> Yes, please post the output of the following commands:
> sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 -a "/desktop/gnome/background"
> ls -la /usr/share/images/xsplash

Ok, i´ve tried this commands now in 3 different steps, 1.) before beginning to use gdm2setup (with the 9.10 stock image of the Lotus flower) 2.) after using gdm2setup (to set another stock image of Ubuntu 9.10) and 3.) after setting everything back with "gksudo -u gdm...":

1.) picture_filename = /usr/share/backgrounds/FlordeLoto.jpg

/usr/share/images/xsplash/bg.jpg (and the symlinks to it) are the picture of the Lotus flower. The access rights are root:root 644, is that the same at your place? ( rw-r--r-- )

2.) Set the image to another one of the stock images (Frog.jpg) via the wallpaper tab of gdm2setup:

Preview in app shows old one, the lotus flower at all times

picture_filename = /usr/share/backgrounds/FlordeLoto.jpg

/usr/share/images/xsplash/bg.jpg is the new Frog.jpg when i view it with f.e. gthumb, so the problem is that the app doesn´t change the gconf-value here, but why?

That explains why i get a Frog as a Splashscreen, then Lotus as Background for loggin in, and again the Frog before settling for my "true" background image when GNOME is done loading!

Could it be some kind of "write-protection" in gconf? I´m using the application since it´s first version as a .deb and have changes values in gconf regarding the gdm-background "by hand" before using gdm2setup, may that be the cause?

3.) When using gnome-properties-settings as user gdm and setting Frog.jpg the value picture_filename in gconf stays the same (FlordeLoto.jpg) for the first 2 times i used the gconftool-2 command, then the third time it displays right as "Frog.jpg"! When i then log out and get back to the login screen the Frog.jpg is displayed (as xsplash and background!)!

To change it back i have to set the background with the "gnome-properties-settings" command and the xsplash-image with gdm2setup (where the whole time FlordeLoto.jpg is displayed when i enter the Wallpaper tab)! Blurring works fine btw., thanks for that option :) !

> Please also visually verify that the image listed in the gconf settings that were output above as 'picture_filename' is (or is not)
> the image you had selected.

See above, that is the problem, yes!

> We will attempt to resolve this as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot replicate the issue in-house at this time - so your
> continued assistance is very appreciated.

No problem, i have to thank you for a cool tool and your help so far :) !

Glad to be of assistance,

greetings from Austria,


Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

Yes! This is the same thing as what I am seeing in this current bug ( also!

I am closing this as a Question and I have subscribed you to that bug as of now. I am also requesting that you refer to the bug for further help - don't worry, I am staying on top of this. Though this does not appear to be an actual 'bug' in GDM2Setup - it does seem to be something that is definitely going to cause some issues in relation to using our tool. By tracking it in the bug system, we can reference the info gathered from all sources and create a solution more readily.

Thank you again for all of your bug hunting so far - this is very helpful indeed. I am beginning to think that I know what is going on. Please be aware that I am going to cross post your data to the bug for easier reference - please ignore the repetition caused by this action.

Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


Thanks for the info and the reference to this bug, i didn´t want to file one if it would have been only me merely doing something wrong, thought a quick question would be better :) !

Many thanks so far,

good night from austria,


Revision history for this message
Lotussteve (lotussteve) said :


As mentioned in the bug report linked by growlf this was fixed for me but triggered new bugs : :) !

Thanks a lot!

Greetings from austria,


Revision history for this message
Growlf (growlf) said :

All of them should now be resolved in 0.5.3 - please do let us know if you find otherwise.