Unexpected error: local variable 'fip' referenced before assignment

Asked by khawla barhoumi

I want to launch an instance,but when I try to allocate ip I had this error:
Unexpected error: local variable 'fip' referenced before assignment
do you help me ?

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OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Edit question
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Tihomir Trifonov (ttrifonov) said :


which Dashboard version do you use? The specified problem is fixed and will be available in the next release - Essex. For now - if you get the latest code from master branch in git - this will solve the problem too.

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khawla barhoumi (barhoumi-kawla) said :

 I use Horizon version and my problem is that my instance can't persist when I reboot or terminate it or logging in again I don't found it,every time I logged in I should launch a new instance.
any help ?
thanks Tihomir,

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Tihomir Trifonov (ttrifonov) said :

The problem with persistence is a configuration issue with Libvirt. You'd look at the libvirt config how to start instances upon restart. Also, it is strange that after logoff-logon the instance is lost... You might be running libvirt in your user session, which for me sounds pretty strange. About termination of instance - that means that the instance is destroyed. It cannot be persisted after termination...

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khawla barhoumi (barhoumi-kawla) said :

Thanks Tihomir for response,this problem has solved, but I have a new one, I can create insatnce but I can't ssh it
I try to install openstack diablo on ubuntu 11.10 virtual machine ,I use virtualbox, and I have 512 of RAM and 20Go of hard disk so that, is my new problem related with hardware configuration or what?
thanks in advance

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Tihomir Trifonov (ttrifonov) said :

Have you created firewall rules on the instance to allow incoming traffic on port 22 ?

Besides that - is there a strong reason that you use diablo but not essex? Essex is a lot more stable and full of new handy features.

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khawla barhoumi (barhoumi-kawla) said :

Thanks again for response,
yes port 22 is allowed, I can ssh in localhost,
then is it possible to install openstack with this hardware configuration (virtual machine , ram and hard disk)?
 if not what is the configuration needed because I will try to install openstack essex
 I hope that will be ok.
Thanks a lot

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Tihomir Trifonov (ttrifonov) said :

Okay, then we have two things here.

1. What do you mean with "port 22 is allowed, I can ssh in localhost" ? To ssh the instance - you should use ssh user@ or whatever the IP of the instance is,

2. Which image do you use for creating an instance? As I see, using the devstack cirros images, port 22 seem to be allowed. If your image doesn't has that, then try adding rule for port 22 in the default security group, and create new instance using the 'default' security group.

I cannot know what your current setup is.. what do you get when trying "ssh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" with the instance IP? is it "No route to host" ? Or other?
If nothing helps.. try connecting to the instance using virt-manager, and look what's there in the iptables... or wherever the ip rules are..

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khawla barhoumi (barhoumi-kawla) said :

 yes,I had create instance with the default image used in the openstack install guide diablo ( download from http://images.ansolabs.com/tty.tgz) , then I had add rule for port 22 in the default security group.
I launch instance ,(I edit keypairs , default security groups and all is ok) ,this instance has ip ,status is active but I can't ssh it ,I have this error ssh: connect to x.x.x.x port 22 no route to host
Thanks for your reply, I really need help because I was stopped with this issue

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koolhead17 (koolhead17) said :

This seems the machine through which your trying to connect is not in same IP range.
This you assign floating IP to your running instance before trying to connect?

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