Raise/Lower tools not working

Asked by Andrew Zahra

Sometimes the raise/lower tools work and sometimes they don't. Here is an example where they don't work for any of the objects in the document:

If I create a new document with some simple circles it does seem to work. I am not sure when it stops working.

It seems like this is a bug?

I am using inkscape 0.91 on OS X but have also tried it on Windows with the same results.

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Solved by:
Andrew Zahra
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Revision history for this message
Mc (mc...) said :


The objects you cant put behind the others are not on the same layer but on a layer above.

Revision history for this message
Andrew Zahra (a7drew) said :

Ahh, I remember experimenting with layers to see if that would fix it. Here they are all on the same layer:

Only the green and red circles can be raised/lowered.

Revision history for this message
Hachmann (marenhachmann) said :

For me, they are still on two different layers. I think you may have hit the bug with the layers not appearing in the layers list...

Take a look at the layer list in the status line at the bottom of the window. Do you have two layers there?


Revision history for this message
Hachmann (marenhachmann) said :
Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) said :

The two files you shared the links to here are identical (no difference in the SVG source at all) - it seems you either uploaded the same file twice, or did not save after applying the layer changes as described?

Revision history for this message
Andrew Zahra (a7drew) said :

Third time lucky. Here is the correct file:

Revision history for this message
Mc (mc...) said :

I don't have any problem with the raise/lower tools with your file (no matter the inkscape version).

Which objects do you have problems with?

Note that the gradient of the rightmost object is black to transparent and not black to white, so that it has the same appearance whether it's above or below (change its fill to pink to see it better), and you have another black object (the rounded square thing) between green and black circles.

Revision history for this message
Andrew Zahra (a7drew) said :

You're right - it was the gradient that was fooling me.


Revision history for this message
Manix (mastoris911) said :

I'm having the exact same problem. Inkscape only sees one layer, but there are obviously more.

I'm using the same 0.91, but on Windows 8.1.

Revision history for this message
Mc (mc...) said :

Please provide a file to allow for testing on your problem, we cannot do much with just the system information(given there is no known bug with these tools and this question was about usage)

Revision history for this message
Manix (mastoris911) said :

Umm, so I tried to make the file again, to link it, but now I can't even drag things around.

I can drag to select, but then it will not let me drag the object(s) around.

I also cannot zoom with CTRL-Wheel.


Revision history for this message
Mc (mc...) said :

This may not be the right file. This one has a single bitmap object in it.

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Manix (mastoris911) said :

Yes, because I could not manipulate the object, so since we are fixing problems, shouldnt we be able to figure out something from that, if that's the logic behind this? Maybe the two problems are related?