how to add an object to a layer?

Asked by gigster33

I can create a layer. But how to associate an object with that layer? I suspect I'm overlooking something obvious, but can't see how to do this. In Visio, I would single click the object and select>format>layer and then click one or more layers to associate the object with. Can't find the equivalent in Inkspace. Help appreciated.

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vonHalenbach (lustik) said :

Hello gigster!

In Inkscape the layers are implemented just like the sides in a book. One object can only be on one layer. When you create an object, it gets placed on the layer, that is at the moment activated. You could choose only one layer from all to have activated.

If you accidentially created an object on the wrong layer, you can simply move it up or down in the stack of layers when you select the object(s) and press the shortcut keys SHIFT + PAGE UP or SHIFT + PAGE DOWN. There is also the possibility to do this with the mouse in the menu Layer. To check if you moved them to the right layer, you could switch off single layers with the eye symbol.

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gigster33 (gigster) said :

Thank you for the quick response, vonHalenbach

I am still not up-to-speed here. I created a vector image (attached) from a
bitmap. I then removed unnecessary objects. As I was doing this I thought -
why not just add the objects I want to keep to a layer.

But I don't understand how to associate an object with a layer.

I do understand - based on your answer below - how I would raise/lower
layers to see the object(s) associated with the layer.

So, with apologies if you've answered and I still don't get it:

1. How to associate existing objects - that were created without the
use of layers - with layers?

2. How many objects (for example, of the same class) can be on a layer?

The practical example is: I scanned a photo of a golf course, and then used
VectorMagic to transform the picture into an .SVG file

I want to either make a layer for each hole (1-18), or associate the 18
holes with a layer. Once I've created the layer(s), I will then delete all
unnecessary information.

Hope you can help me out here.


-----Original Message-----
From: <email address hidden> [mailto:<email address hidden>] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:11 AM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: Re: [Question #39394]: how to add an object to a layer?

Your question #39394 on Inkscape changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

vonHalenbach proposed the following answer:

Hello gigster!

In Inkscape the layers are implemented just like the sides in a book.

One object can only be on one layer. When you create an object, it gets

placed on the layer, that is at the moment activated. You could choose

only one layer from all to have activated.

If you accidentially created an object on the wrong layer, you can

simply move it up or down in the stack of layers when you select the

object(s) and press the shortcut keys SHIFT + PAGE UP or SHIFT + PAGE

DOWN. There is also the possibility to do this with the mouse in the

menu Layer. To check if you moved them to the right layer, you could

switch off single layers with the eye symbol.

Did it answer your question?


If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us

know that it is solved:

If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the

following page to enter your feedback:

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gigster33 (gigster) said :

Would appreciate your guidance here when you have a moment



From: gig graham [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:54 AM
To: '<email address hidden>'
Subject: RE: [Question #39394]: how to add an object to a layer?

Thank you for the quick response, vonHalenbach

I am still not up-to-speed here. I created a vector image (attached) from a
bitmap. I then removed unnecessary objects. As I was doing this I thought -
why not just add the objects I want to keep to a layer.

But I don't understand how to associate an object with a layer.

I do understand - based on your answer below - how I would raise/lower
layers to see the object(s) associated with the layer.

So, with apologies if you've answered and I still don't get it:

1. How to associate existing objects - that were created without the
use of layers - with layers?

2. How many objects (for example, of the same class) can be on a layer?

The practical example is: I scanned a photo of a golf course, and then used
VectorMagic to transform the picture into an .SVG file

I want to either make a layer for each hole (1-18), or associate the 18
holes with a layer. Once I've created the layer(s), I will then delete all
unnecessary information.

Hope you can help me out here.


-----Original Message-----
From: <email address hidden> [mailto:<email address hidden>] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:11 AM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: Re: [Question #39394]: how to add an object to a layer?

Your question #39394 on Inkscape changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

vonHalenbach proposed the following answer:

Hello gigster!

In Inkscape the layers are implemented just like the sides in a book.

One object can only be on one layer. When you create an object, it gets

placed on the layer, that is at the moment activated. You could choose

only one layer from all to have activated.

If you accidentially created an object on the wrong layer, you can

simply move it up or down in the stack of layers when you select the

object(s) and press the shortcut keys SHIFT + PAGE UP or SHIFT + PAGE

DOWN. There is also the possibility to do this with the mouse in the

menu Layer. To check if you moved them to the right layer, you could

switch off single layers with the eye symbol.

Did it answer your question?


If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us

know that it is solved:

If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the

following page to enter your feedback:

You received this question notification because you are a direct

subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
Best prkos (prkos) said :

1. How to associate existing objects - that were created without the
use of layers - with layers?

Every object you create in Inkscape is already in a layer (unless in a special case where you mess with XML editor but that's not relevant here). When you create a new document it already has one layer, it's usually called Layer1 and all objects you create will be contained in it, you don't have to do anything special to associate objects to a layer. Associating objects to layers in Inkscape is actually moving objects to layers.
To me that seems like an improvement compared to Visio, your example sounds like there were too many steps there, Inkscape does it automatically and moving objects through layers is in fewer clicks. If you want to move an object to a different layer just use Shift + PgUp/PgDn as vonHalenbach said.

2. How many objects (for example, of the same class) can be on a layer?

I'm not sure if there is a technical limit in SVG specs about number of objects but I doubt there is one. The number of objects is probably limited only by the power of your computer (RAM mostly), so you don't have to worry about it. I've worked with files where there were tens of thousands of objects.
Layers are also not "class" limited, you can keep various object types in one layer. Some people even don't use layers, they always work in the default one and keep all objects there.

For your practical example:
open the svg file from VectorMagic
create a new layer, name it "Holes" and add it above the current
select all the holes from your drawing and hit Shift + PgUP
now delete the layer where the drawing is (Layer1) and you will just have holes all together in one layer.
if you want them in separate layers repeat the steps - create new layer above current, select a hole and move it upwards, repeat for each hole

Revision history for this message
gigster33 (gigster) said :

Thanks prkos, that solved my question.

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James Fisher (jameshfisher) said :

I'm having the exact same problem, I can't find a solution anywhere else, and the answers here don't seem to resolve this. It simply seems to be untrue that "Every object you create in Inkscape is already in a layer". It is possible to have an object unassociated with any layer, instead in the "root" node. This seems to happen when opening a raster image - the raster object is placed in the "root" layer. (If one opens the Layers sidebar, there are no layers created.) Any subsequently created objects are then also placed in the root layer. After creating a new layer, you can create objects in it, but those that were originally created in root remain there. From this point there is no obvious way (possibly no way) to associate those objects with your newly-created layer.

So I ask you to do the following:
* From Inkscape, open a sample raster image.
* Create any old vector shape on top of the image object.
* Create a new layer, "Layer 1".

And my question is: how does one associate the created vector shape with the new layer?

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kleinempfaenger (franztjakel) said :

Hi Gigster. I had the same problem and found a solution. Do the following:
1. Create a new layer (or activate the layer you want an object without layer to be placed on)
2. Create a new object on the layer
3. Select the new object and shift-select the object without layer
4. Ctrl + G creates a new group with both objects inside
5. Ctrl + Shift + G ungroups
6. Both objects are now on the new layer
7. Delete the new object

Greetings, kleinempfaenger

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mcstrother (mcstrother) said :

Had a very similar problem. None of the above solutions worked. Here's what worked for me:
1) Create a new layer.
2) Edit --> XML editor
3) Look for the the layer object. Use the buttons at the top of the window to move it near the top of the list, just under the metadata and above all of the actual objects in the drawing.
4) Select each of the objects one by one, starting from the top, and click the "indent node" button to move them to be children of the layer.


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Jesse P (jesse-prudhomme) said :

mcstrother's fix worked for me. I had originally opened a JPG image to trace a path and continued to work from there. It seems the issue was simply that the software doesn't create a defaulted "layer1" unless the first object created is a vector. Not difficult to fix at all. Like mcstrother mentioned, you can simply use the XML editor to move objects from the so-called "root" layer (or non-UI accessible layer) to the layer of your choice, provided you've created at least one. I should mention that I'm using OS X and this could be only an issue for the mac version of the software.