Python 2.5 for RHEL 5

Asked by Doug Carter

I have a specific need for Python 2.5 running on RHEL 5. I know that Python 2.6 is available, but I am using it with the Google App Engine and there are currently some problems with Python 2.6. Is there any chance that you have an archive of previous Python versions, specifically 2.5?



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Revision history for this message
BJ Dierkes (derks) said :

We don't have anything archived for Python 2.5... and probably won't ever add it to IUS... that said, I'm working on a one-off build for you based on the Fedora 10 python-2.5.2.

Revision history for this message
Doug Carter (dcarter-mercycorps) said :


Thanks, I appreciate the work on a python-2.5.2 build. Will it include
the supporting packages, like mysql, etc?

If not, you don't need to work on it. I'm looking for a complete 2.5
distribution and if I can't find it, I'll just bite the bullet and use
your 2.6 versions.

A related question... If I would like a package that's not available,
should I ask a new question? (Sorry, I'm new to launchpad) I'm interested
in the python-ldap package.

Thanks a lot for the quick response and your help.


On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 07:54:52PM -0000, BJ Dierkes wrote:
> Your question #95461 on IUS Community Project changed:
> Status: Open => Answered
> BJ Dierkes proposed the following answer:
> We don't have anything archived for Python 2.5... and probably won't
> ever add it to IUS... that said, I'm working on a one-off build for you
> based on the Fedora 10 python-2.5.2.
> --
> If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
> know that it is solved:
> If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
> following page to enter your feedback:
> You received this question notification because you are a direct
> subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
BJ Dierkes (derks) said :

It would include the base python distribution... anything 3rd party would be either another package (as we have in ius for python26) or I could package python25-setuptools so that you'd have easy_install-2.5 available for you to easy_install from the cheeze shop any additional software you might have. That said... if python26 is an option I would bite the bullet. ;)

Requests for packages can be submitted as bug reports with a subject of "RFE: Add XXX Package for EL5" to signify a Request For Enhancement.

p.s. sorry we missed you in #iuscommunity ... though there now if you'd like to continue the conversation.

Revision history for this message
BJ Dierkes (derks) said :

Doug, you can find builds of python25 and python25-setuptools in development:

Our ius-release package doesn't setup this repo, so you can either copy the /etc/yum.repos.d/ius-testing.repo to ius-development.repo, and change testing => development in the file. Or just download the files directly:

# as root
yum/rpm install python25, python25-libs, python25-devel, and python25-setuptools

The following outlines a recommended way of using python25 in a virtualenv:

# as root, this just installs the virtualenv library files for python2.5, will still work for python 2.4
# easy_install-2.5 virtualenv

# as a regular user
$ python2.5 /usr/bin/virtualenv ~/py25-env --no-site-packages

$ source ~/py25-env/bin/activate

(py25-env) $ easy_install-2.5 MySQL-python

(py25-env)[root@linux ~]# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Dec 28 2009, 15:54:15)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import MySQLdb

To exit the virtualenv, run:

(py25-env) $ deactivate

$ python -V
Python 2.4.3

Revision history for this message
Doug Carter (dcarter-mercycorps) said :

Thanks again.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:03:52AM -0000, BJ Dierkes wrote:
> Your question #95461 on IUS Community Project changed:
> Status: Open => Answered
> BJ Dierkes proposed the following answer:
> Doug, you can find builds of python25 and python25-setuptools in
> development:
> Our ius-release package doesn't setup this repo, so you can either copy the /etc/yum.repos.d/ius-testing.repo to ius-development.repo, and change testing => development in the file. Or just download the files directly:
> # as root
> yum/rpm install python25, python25-libs, python25-devel, and python25-setuptools
> The following outlines a recommended way of using python25 in a
> virtualenv:
> # as root, this just installs the virtualenv library files for python2.5, will still work for python 2.4
> # easy_install-2.5 virtualenv
> # as a regular user
> $ python2.5 /usr/bin/virtualenv ~/py25-env --no-site-packages
> $ source ~/py25-env/bin/activate
> (py25-env) $ easy_install-2.5 MySQL-python
> (py25-env)[root@linux ~]# python
> Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Dec 28 2009, 15:54:15)
> [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import MySQLdb
> >>>
> To exit the virtualenv, run:
> (py25-env) $ deactivate
> $ python -V
> Python 2.4.3
> --
> If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
> know that it is solved:
> If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
> following page to enter your feedback:
> You received this question notification because you are a direct
> subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
BJ Dierkes (derks) said :

No problem. If you use the packages, be sure to copy them all down. They aren't going to be there forever, and won't be added to IUS proper.

Going to close this out now. If you have further questions, you can follow up on the mailing list (team ius-community) or email us directly <email address hidden>.


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