requesting project closure acidrip

Asked by marco.pallotta

I accidentally registered some minutes ago the project acidrip to add a bug watcher (for an opening bug about acidrip) to sourceforge bug tracking but I am not the author and owner of acidrip source code.
I think the project should be closed and, if necessary, opened by the proper acidrip copyright owner.


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[LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Edit question
Solved by:
Steve McInerney
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Assigned to Jelmer to follow up. Sinzui is taking up this issue. Sinzui does not want to deal with this any more. The sql to update the field is at
Revision history for this message
marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

The link of the project to close is

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Jelmer Vernooij (jelmer) said :

Launchpad allows community users to set-up projects on Launchpad if they want to get benefits of Launchpad when projects don't want to move (i.e. they can start using bzr branches by setting up a simple import or to track upstream bugs).

Ideally we'd like to keep the project around for this purpose, but we can change the ownership to the generic 'registry' account so that when the acidrip project owners would like ownership we can easily transfer it to them.

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

I don't know if it is orthodox (or legal) to maintain a new project with the name acidrip without the explicit agreement of the proper owner (copyright owner) of the project. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know if my doubts are real or not.
However if launchpad owners want to do this they obviously can but, if it is so, I prefer to be removed by the project owner (as you sayd) and by all the references (if they are, as, for example, the user that has registered the project, and so on) related to the project acidrip.

Txs very much.

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Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) said :

This is not a new project. This is like an index page (like Freshmeat or many of the other software indexes) out there. The page clearly states that the project doesn't use Launchpad for development.

It's still useful to have that page in Launchpad. We have changed the 'Maintainer' field of the project.

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

What about the name of the user that registered the project? As I sayd I prefer that my username is removed by there.
At last you can close the project and create a new one, with the same name, but with a different username as "registered by ....."


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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Just to confirm what I sayd, evolution project (but there are many other projects) in launchpad ( has "registry administrators" both as project maintainer and project recorder.

Please do the same with acidrip.


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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Registry administrators has registrered 1000s of project and is the owner beause no one has asked for them. There are also hundreds of project owned by registry because the registrant gave the project to the registry. acidrip is this later case. We do not edit the registrant infomation (it is not editiable).

Launchapd is a community hosting service that allows many groups to contribute to projects. No one is 100% an owner of a project because it is really the name of a project that creates software. Most projects are registered because the Ubuntu community wants a record of the bug tracker, code, and tranlations for each upstream project that Ubuntu has a package for.

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Well, if registrant information it's not editable, please close the project acidrip and open a new one with same name, if you want. I understand your opinions but I have still doubts about the creation of projects (here the term project is important for me) without the explicit agreement of the proper copyright owners.
Moreover I think the process of creating a project via bug section of launchpad is misleading. In fact I didn't want to open a new project but simply automatically track acidrip bugs in sourceforge. I think launchpad should create a simple link to acidrip project not create a whole project with the name acidrip. If to do this I have to open a new project I will track sourceforge bugs manually (I already set this option in acidrip bugs that point to upstream).
So, for the questions I spoke above (none can force me to be the registrant of a project if I don't want), I say again, please close this project (as I didn't want to open a new one with the name acidrip and I did it by mistake) and open a new one if you need it (I think you don't need it as none registered it before, and I can simply manually track acidrip sourceforge bugs).
Be sure that next time I will pay attention to open a new project (also because I don't want to pray anyone, in the future, to close it) . It could be very useful if you could offer a way to close the projects (to the proper registrant) with a "click" and not to open a question about it.


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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

We will not close the project because Ubuntu has been wanting someone to register it. It is linked to an Ubuntu source package and some will import the source code in a few few weeks. Ubuntu also wants the bugtracker setup. There is nothing illegal about creating a directory of all the projects that collaborate and contribute with each other. Acidrip is relying on memcoder and the project provides details about that project for example.

It is also not possible to delete a project and replace it with another one, the name is permanent. That is why we cannot remove tthat another community wants. I think part of the confusion here is that you are thinking that launchpad is a project hosting service, thus you have registered a rivial Acidrip. But Launchpad is a community hosting service. Launchpad lowers the barrier for users to collaborate accross project boundaries by treating the project as a category for code, bugs, and translations.

What I do not understand is why do you not want your name listed as the person how registered acidrip? That is the crux of this issue.

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Well the crux of this issue isn't my interpretation about what launchpad is (maybe you are right or maybe not completely....launchpad is also a code hosting service so I think it could be considered a project hosting service too, but this is only my interpretation). My interpretation about launchpad services isn't important for this question (and for me, excuse me, nor your interpretations even if I respect them and I appreciate them).
The question is:
1) a person register a project by mistake (and he explains the reasons why he did that mistake)
2) he requests the closure of that project because he cannot do it himself and he also explains that he doesn't want to be included in that project in no way (he doesn't want to be the registrant, nor the maintainer and so on)......has he the rights to make a similar request? (I think yes)
3) launchpad team doesn't want to respect this request and want to let him to be a registrant of a project even if against his will

This is the question nor my justifications about the reasons that brought me to make a similar request (ok I'm happy to justify this request only to prove that I'm not a person that plays with launchpad and so, obviously, I don't register and then I want to close the projects every days, but this is another question).
About the fact that you don't have a GUI to change the registrant of a project or don't have a way to open a new project with the same name, well, I try hard to believe that launchpad hasn't foreseed a similar event but I'm a computer scientist so I know that launchpad team can do everything if he wants (I think the registrant field will be stored in a db, so everything is possibile as you know).

At last the question is only the freedom: you have the freedom to try to change my opinion (and I say again that I respect this fact and I like this) but I have the freedom to not change my opinion and not to be included in a project if I don't want. All other questions are in the background even the interpretation of what launchpad is.


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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

We do not have a GUI to change historical records. This is also why we do not have GUI that lets users edit their messages. Launchpad's data is distributed to users via several services, We cannot take information ourtof user's inboxes or their websites.

We really do honour user's requests to deactivate projects created in mistake. Your situation is special in that when the project was registered, it was immediately recognised by an Ubuntu contribor as the missing project for the acidrip package. We cannot deactivate a project that is linked to another community. We reactivate projects when a community want to take possession of it, so even if we had deactivate acidrip, the Ubuntu community would have eventually requested that the project be reactivated.

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Well, after having registered the project I suddenly opened a new "requesting project closure acidrip". I find strange that none registered before acidrip, as a project, and someone was expecting me (really some seconds after my registration!). Moreover If acidrip was so fundamental for launchpad why wasn't it registered before by anyone? Maybe someone else had my doubts? However if launchpad has not a way to lock the project in order to avoid external participation, if someone want to make a closure request, excuse me, but it's not a problem of mine.
Moreover if you (as launchpad team) let the user to open a new project you could be organized to honour user's requests (just if they are simple request as "can you change the registrant of the project"?) not to reply "I have technical restrictions that not permit this" else, I think, it's better not to offer a service until technical substrate it's not ready. It's how to let the user to open a new email account and then not permit it to delete it (I think it should be against any rights) because it wasn't developed the option to do this. At this point it's better not to offer a service like that.

In I can read "Note: if there is a significant amount of work associated with a project, particular from people other than yourself, we may ask you to consider options other than closing the project". Ok, you asked me to consider options other than closing the project and I replied to you that I can consider to delete the request on condition that you change a little field (that is the registrant name). I don't mind technical issues about this request. The question is simple and what the user should see via web is equally simple (I'm not a launchpad sysadm so I don't know, and honestly I don't mind, how launchpad team can do this).

The service is provided by launchpad and launchpad should solve this issue!
I say again a principle (that evidently it's not considered): no one can force a person to be present in a project (a part the role that is involved) if he doesn't want! If not this is an abuse and a violence!

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

I think a possible workaround to unlock this issue (if you don't find a cleaner way to change the registrant info) could be to make a comment just in the home page of acidrip project (better if just below the registrant info) that says: "for technical reasons the registrant name doesn't display the right info. The proper registrant of this project is "Registry Administrators".
In this way we will apply the same principle as we do on bug or answers section of launchpad: when we post a comment, then we cannot modify it, but if we insert a wrong info we can correct it in the next post saying that we were wrong.
In this issue you can say that you cannot change the registrant info so you can explain that the info is wrong.

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

I have assigned this issue to an admin to update the database to registry administrators.

What you cannot see because you are not a beta tester, is that every project page now has a button to link a project to an Ubuntu package. Ubuntu contributors who look at the latest projects list can click to see the project and they are prompted to match the project to a package in Ubuntu. acidrip was an exact match. The project was linked to an Ubuntu package less the 2 hours after you registered the project.

I see you registered this project for bug 371232 about missing Italian translations. To fix this bug, someone has to register this project, setup a code import, then enable translations. Your bug will not be fixed in the acidrip until someone completes registration. By giving up ownership of the project prematurely, you cannot request an import of the code (to get the translatable messages). once someone does this, you or another person can enable translation syncing.

Revision history for this message
marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Txs for your explanations. I will close this question as soon as the info will be updated as you sayd.

P.S. it could be very useful if, in the launchpad site, a user could read an exact explanation about what launchpad projects are, in particular in relation (copyright issues, and so on) to already existing external projects. I think we cannot understimate these facts.

Revision history for this message
marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Are there news about the updating of the database as Curtis sayd on 2010-03-18 and how I can read from the "Whiteboard"?


Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Forcing this to open state so that admins know it is their turn to respond.

Note that only the admins and projet owners can read whiteboard. The whiteboard contains the url of the SQL that will change the registrant.

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Best Steve McInerney (spm) said :

The registrant has been changed to 'Registry Admins'

- Steve

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marco.pallotta (marco-pallotta) said :

Thanks Steve McInerney, that solved my question.