accociating a team with a project

Asked by jomammele

Dear launchpad-team,

I'd like to accocoiate the team with the spanish translation of the openpetraorg-project (

I've been looking into the launchpad-guide but I couldn't find the answer.
Could you help me please?

Thank you


Joachim Mammele

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

Team and projects are not directly affiliated unless the team plays a role in controlling a project: owner, driver, bug supervisor, security contact, or translations group. Since the project has open translations permissions, there is no way to say the team has control of aspects of translations.

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jomammele (jomammele) said :

Dear Curtis Hovey,

thank you for your mail.

I changed the permissions to structured.

What I would like to do is assigning the team 'openpetra-spanish' to the
spanish translation.
How can this be done?

Thank you

Joachim Mammele

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) said :

The way to do that is to ask for a translation group. However, that has more drawbacks than advantages, so it's not open to everybody. We usually recommend using one of the existing translation groups like Launchpad Translators or Ubuntu Translators: that will give your project a wider translation coverage because these groups have established translation teams for more languages. What I would suggest is to get people who'd be in into and use Launchpad Translators as the translation group.

You can read more on translation groups on

We can still create a translation group for you, but I strongly discourage that way of working. If you still want it, just let us know (and re-open this question :).

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jomammele (jomammele) said :


thank you for your advice.

Okay, would you please get the people from into

The only thing that worries me a little bit is that there are a lot of proposed members for which aren't approved yet. Some are waiting since the beginning of 2010.
Is Launchpad Spanish Translators still in use?


Joachim Mammele

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) said :

Joachim, we can't do that: it's up to the actual Launchpad Spanish Translators team to approve every individual membership. That team should have only trusted translators that can *review* translations from others. You don't need to be in a team in order to translate (though, your translations won't be automatically approved). The best way to get approval is to get in touch with one of the team administrators (look at

How it all operates is described on

However, if the Launchpad Spanish Translators is doing a bad job (i.e. there are a lot of unreviewed suggestions), then we'd be happy to look into resolving those issues. Since none of LP developers is a native Spanish speaker, we like to leave those choices (i.e. who can be a member of the team) to the actual teams.

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