reason of build failure

Asked by Andrea Corbellini

Waiting for a bugfix, I was looking at this LibreOffice build:

The status is "Failed to build" but I cannot see a log nor a specific reason. The same happens for other builds for other architectures. What does it mean?

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Solved by:
William Grant
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Revision history for this message
Best William Grant (wgrant) said :

-proposed is only open for distribution series that are frozen or released. So when Precise unfroze, -proposed stopped accepting uploads and builds.

I yesterday landed a change by cjwatson to permit -proposed for unfrozen development series as well, so next week those builds will be retriable. If it's urgent, you'll need to do a fresh upload to the release pocket.

Revision history for this message
Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

It's not urgent, I was just curious. :-) Thanks for your answer.