Broke the CodeOfConduct
This is tha case, look this https:/
This is the Spanish Documentation Project, Well the Owern Broke the Code Of Cunduct and Then we wanna give the owrn proyect to other member in fact, if you see https:/
He cover his face in the Avatar, but you can see what he do with his finger.
I, like Ubuntu-ve Lider, Deactivate him from our team. I know about Efrain Valles (https:/
In Venezuela, somes Debian Users, don't like the Ubuntu Users, Is not rasonable, when think that Mark use Debian like base to Ubuntu, In fact, I think that his action is very xtreme but, what Can we do? Just Work!
He don't Be respectful. he don't Be collaborative, and don't Step down considerately therefor I propose the change of owner to effi_jayx. We just wanna work,
Thank You!
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- Mark Shuttleworth
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