unsolicited subscription to mailing list!

Asked by Ian Jackson

Summary: I was subscribed to launchpad-users at my main email address, ian@davenant, without my consent or approval.

I noticed that there was a problem when I received a flurry of messages from Launchpad to the launchpad-users list some weeks ago. I thought this was a technical error and ignored it. Then I got more and investigated. It turned out that I had been added to the launchpad-users "team". I have no idea when or how this happened but it was not appropriate.

There seem to be three possibilities for the root cause:

The most likely explanation is that I subscribed to launchpad-users from my ian@davenant address while it was a Mailman list to allow me to post, but that I then set my list subscription to "email disabled". I often do this if I find I have difficulty posting to a mailing list. In this case I don't have any records of such an exchange but it is quite plausible. If this is the root cause then there is a bug: my "disable email delivery" flag was not transferred to the team membership when the list was moved to launchpad.

I was previously subscribed to launchpad-users via a mail-to-news gateway on my colo machine. This gateway has a special address of the form list-<something>@chiark.greenend.org.uk. I have records showing my subscription exchange for this address with Mailman in January 2006. I can't imagine how or why this could have been linked with me as it would have taken manual intervention to reconcile the different email address. Looking at the messages in the newsgroup to which the gateway feeds, I see many messages which suggests that that is still working although if membership of the list is now equated to membership of a team it is difficult to see what launchpad "account" would be associated with the gateway email address.

I was a member of launchpad-beta-testers. This was too annoying anyway (eg, the need to log in twice each time because of the redirection) so I have now left that team too. However even if this is the root cause it is definitely wrong to subscribe me to launchpad-users for this reason.

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This question was originally filed as bug #314243.

Revision history for this message
Matthew Revell (matthew.revell) said :

This is more a question about the process that we used to move the launchpad-users subscriber-base to lists.launchpad.net from lists.canonical.com, rather than a bug in Launchpad.

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) said :

The old mailing list was shutdown. the archive was transfered to the ~launchpad-users team, and the list was enable for all team members. There preferred email addresses were used. Several of us were subscribed under different addresses.

You can correct the email address at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editemails. You can also set the mailing list subscription policy.

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