Managing bugs with a ubuntu-specific package
Asked by
Dean Sas
Currently the ubuntu-docs team has two places to manage bugs, the ubuntu-docs package and the ubuntu-doc project. All of the bugs on one are also bugs on the other (with the exception of 3-4 "workflow" bugs each year) as we manage our own debian packaging in the project bzr repository.
To make both places list all bugs we have to change the status/importance twice. If we don't do that then we have to check both places when we're managing bugs.
Is there something we can do to make managing bugs easier?
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Answered
- Assignee:
- Björn Tillenius Edit question
- Last query:
- Last reply:
- Whiteboard:
- Bjorn, can you please clarify what could be done in this scenario ? ubuntu-docs is a ubuntu native source code, i.e. there is not distinction between upstream and package. Shall they disable bugs upstream and leave only with sourcepackage bugs ?
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