Please bump the size of all lubuntu-ci PPAs to 80G

Asked by Simon Quigley

I'm currently bootstrapping Qt, cmake, all of KDE, and all of LXQt in the following four PPAs under the lubuntu-ci namespace:
 - unstable-ci
 - unstable-ci-proposed
 - stable-ci
 - stable-ci-proposed

I'm looking for some extra "leg room," although once it's all settled down I expect the actual size to be closer to 20 GB in each of the non-proposed ("release pocket") PPAs. now, if I do two full stack builds within 6-12 hours of each other, it gets the proposed unstable PPA up to 60 GB (pre-Britney and pre-removal of superseded builds).

Please bump all four of these up to 80 GB. I promise I won't fill all four of them completely up.

Thanks in advance.

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Solved by:
Simon Quigley
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Revision history for this message
Jürgen Gmach (jugmac00) said :


Revision history for this message
Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) said :

Thank you!