Requesting Reassign Owner of Archive Mirror

Asked by MinJun Park

For some reason, the owner of my mirror page has been set to the "Registry Administrators" team. Because of this, I can't modify the information on my mirror page. Can you reallocate it?

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Revision history for this message
Guruprasad (lgp171188) said :

Hi MinJun Park, the mirrors are managed and administered by our SREs. So can you send an email to <email address hidden> with the relevant details to notify them about your request?

Revision history for this message
MinJun Park (gusoong0829) said :

Thanks Guruprasad, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
MinJun Park (gusoong0829) said :

I e-mailed to <email address hidden> but i didn't get any answer from there about 5 days..
should I wait more?

Revision history for this message
Guruprasad (lgp171188) said :

Hi MinJun Park, yes, please wait till you receive a response from our SRE team. I will also mention this to them.

Revision history for this message
MinJun Park (gusoong0829) said :

Alright i'll wait patiently thanks

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