Import stuck for KStars

Asked by Jasem Mutlaq

It's been stuck for a few days:

Tried to run it without avail. Any help?

Is it also possible to select which branches to import so that it can go smoother? We don't need to sync all branches.

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Guruprasad (lgp171188) said :

Hi Jaseem, from what I see, the most recent code import for this repository has succeeded and the next one is scheduled run in the next 15 minutes or so.

But I noticed that the updated repository hasn't been scanned yet and as a result there is a persistent 'Launchpad is processing new changes to this repository which will be available shortly. Reload to see the changes.' message that shows up in This likely due to some Launchpad infrastructure issues that happened in the recent few days and I will investigate it now.

> Is it also possible to select which branches to import so that it can go smoother? We don't need to sync all branches.

Launchpad only supports importing the whole git repositories and not just specific branches.

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