merge of launchpad account please

Asked by Simone Fittabile

I would like that
Simone F. (fittabile)
<email address hidden>
Member since 2006-11-13
be merged into new
Simone Fittabile (oneforgiveness)
<email address hidden>
Member since 2020-11-13
 [lost track to that account associated e-mail and possibly old password]

"fittabile has a PPA that must be deleted before it can be merged. It may take ten minutes to remove the deleted PPA's files."

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English Edit question
Launchpad itself Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Simone Fittabile
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Guruprasad (lgp171188) said :

Hi Simone, before we can process this merge request, we need to verify that you indeed own(ed) the old account. For that we can use the OpenPGP keys in to send you an encrypted message and wait for a response from you.

If you do not have access to any of those OpenPGP keys and the email addresses associated with the account, I am afraid we will not be able to verify your claim and process this as requested.

Revision history for this message
Simone Fittabile (oneforgiveness) said :

No, email boxes associated with those PGP public keys are all inacessible to me.
Moreover it looks like all community activities and badges have long been removed from that [~fittabile] account so nevermind; just wanted to tell again that it was my profile and I can't access it anymore.