import orders always without tax

Asked by maddus

Hi there,

I export all my products from OpenERP into Magento and everything is perfect. When I am now importing the orders from Magento into OpenERP, the orders are imported but without no tax. What can I do to change this?


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English Edit question
Magento OpenERP Connector Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Sharoon Thomas
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Best Sharoon Thomas (sharoonthomas) said :


The current tax implementation is very minimal and simple.
It works looking at the percentages.

So if you have one level of tax it should work perfectly if you have a Sales Tax of same % configured in Open ERP

Revision history for this message
maddus (maddusito) said :

So I have to change my OpenERP in this way that there is only one level of tax left? Or can I change it somewhere in the code? I hope it will be not so difficult.


Revision history for this message
maddus (maddusito) said :

Thanks Sharoon Thomas, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
jehan (jens-e-hansen) said :


I also have the problem that orders are imported without tax.
I use a fresh magento and openerp installation and magentoerpconnect rev. 359.
In magento I set things up like this:
In 'Sales' Tab:
Products Tax Classes: 'Shipping' and 'Taxable Goods'
Customer Tax Classes: 'Retail Customer'
Manage Tax Zones & Rates: 'test', 'Germany', '*', '*', '10.0000'
Manage Tax Rules: 'test', 'Retail Customer', 'Taxable Goods', 'test', '1', '1'
In 'Customers' Tab:
Customer Groups: four groups, all with Tax Class set to 'Retail Customer'

In oerp I set things up this way:
In 'Financial Management' -> 'Taxes':
Tax Name: test
Company: Tiny sprl
Tax Code: test
Active: True
Tax Group: VAT
Tax Type: Percent
Applicable Type: True
Amount: 0,1000
Include in base amount: False
Domain: empty
Invoice Tax Account: empty
Refund Tax Account: empty
Tax on Children: False
Sequence: 1
Tax Included in Price: False
Tax Application: All

Than I created a product like this:
Name: test-prod
Attribute Set: Default
Sale Price: 10,00
Costing Method: Standard Price

I added the tax named 'test' in 'Sale Taxes' for this product.
Finally I exported the catalog and ordered two pieces of 'test-prod'. The e-mail I received from magento looks like this:
Check / Money order
Shipping Information: Shipping Method:
test person
Street, Hamburg, 213123
T: 2222
F: test Flat Rate - Fixed

Item Sku Qty Subtotal
*test-prod* tp1 2 20,00 €
Subtotal 20,00 €
Shipping & Handling 10,00 €
Tax 2,00 €
*Grand Total* *32,00 €*

If I import the order into oerp I get:
test-prod, Qty: 2, UoM: PCE, Discount: 0, Unit Price: 10.00, Net Price: 10.00, Subtotal: 20
Shipp. and Handling, Qty: 1, UoM: PCE, Disount: 0, Unit Price: 10.00, Net Price 10.00, Subtotal: 10

Untaxed Amount: 30,00
Taxes: 0,00
Total: 30,00

Excuse me for this long and a bit brain damaged description. I'm absolutely clueless how to convince openerp to include a 10% tax for the imported order. In magento and oerp I have a sales tax of same % configured but the tax is not recognized after I imported an order.

Please could you point me to the right direction and give me a hint how to solve this problem?

Thank you