Cannot boot Netflix Desktop

Asked by Dana Kinzer


I have installed Netflix Desktop and have not run into issues during the process. The installation process has not run into any issues installing Wine, windows fonts, silverlight or any other accessory. However, when clicking on the Netflix Desktop icon in my Dash Home, nothing seems to happen.

When I use command line terminal to try to start the application, nothing happens. When I try the command netflix-desktop --showdebug (given here: an error message says command not found.

I am using Ubuntu 12/04. It is fully updated System had Wine, Play On Linux and WineTricks installed before my attempt to install the Netflix desktop app.

I'm a total and complete Linux newbie, so any and all help is greatly appreciated.


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Netflix Desktop Edit question
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Solved by:
Erich E. Hoover
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Revision history for this message
Erich E. Hoover (ehoover) said :

Could you please paste the exact "command not found" message? That will help me figure out what's missing.

Revision history for this message
Dana Kinzer (ericksen-d) said :

dana@Television:~$ netflix-desktop-showdebug
netflix-desktop-showdebug: command not found
dana@Television:~$ sudo netflix-desktop-showdebug
[sudo] password for dana:
sudo: netflix-desktop-showdebug: command not found
dana@Television:~$ sudo netflix-desktop--showdebug
[sudo] password for dana:
sudo: netflix-desktop--showdebug: command not found

Revision history for this message
Erich E. Hoover (ehoover) said :

You need a space between "netflix-desktop" and "--showdebug":
netflix-desktop --showdebug

Revision history for this message
Dana Kinzer (ericksen-d) said :

I was about to get all persnickety here with the whole "but I did put a space.." Instead, I tried it and got new output.

dana@Television:~$ sudo netflix-desktop --showdebug
[sudo] password for dana:
# OpenGL Diagnostics #
Direct Rendering: Yes
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
GLX Version: 1.4
Driver Version: 304.88
# Firefox #
wine: /home/dana/.wine-browser is not owned by you

Revision history for this message
Erich E. Hoover (ehoover) said :

Oh, don't run it with sudo - this is a userspace program that doesn't need any special permissions once it's installed. If there's an install failure it will ask for sudo permissions with gksudo. So, try without sudo and see what it says :)

Revision history for this message
Dana Kinzer (ericksen-d) said :

It says Firefox wasn't found, but I know that I have it. In fact, I'm using Firefox right now. I used all of the commands as given, so not sure why it wouldn't have installed Firefox during the Wine installation. Ideas on how to fix?

dana@Television:~$ netflix-desktop --showdebug
# OpenGL Diagnostics #
Direct Rendering: Yes
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
GLX Version: 1.4
Driver Version: 304.88
# Firefox #
wine: cannot find 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe'

Revision history for this message
Best Erich E. Hoover (ehoover) said :

Yes, this happens occassionally (I haven't tracked down why). The software actually loads the Windows version of Firefox into that special folder, just delete the folder and it will recreate it. The command to delete the folder is (be careful about spaces):
rm -Rf ~/.wine-browser
where the spaces are after "rm" and "-Rf". Whatever you do DO NOT put a space afterthe tilde (~), the slash, or the period. In a future version I'll add a command that safely does this for people, i've just been too busy lately to work on this.

Revision history for this message
Dana Kinzer (ericksen-d) said :

You are my hero! You know, I had tried the rm -Rf `/.wine-browser command before to no avail. It was probably another spacing issue, though. I now have Netflix up and running. Classic Doctor Who? Yes, please!

Now, if only I can get Office 2010 going on my work system.

Thank you very, very much!


Revision history for this message
Dana Kinzer (ericksen-d) said :

Thanks Erich E. Hoover, that solved my question.