No way to handle overtime? Attendance, timesheet, payroll

Asked by OBaeko

I have been searcing everywhere.... There is no way to handle overtime!!?

By overtime i mean working more hours than your normal contract.

It should be several ways for handling extra work by good (but rare?) employees :-)
(just kidding... may employees are really doing a good job and are putting in extra hours. So they should be rewarded!!!)

Overtime Payment: The rules are different in different countries, and also in different companies, and also within the company. I see no way to handle ANY overtime payment??
- 50% extra,
- 100% extra.
- XX% extra.

Should belong to the contract of each employee...but will be the same for most employees.

Is there any way to handle overtime?
Is there any plans to implement this?

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Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) said :

we are developing that, see 'hr_attendance_analysis'[1]: it lets you see overtime yet.
In the next days, we plan to add more detailed reports on a daily base, containing absences too.


Revision history for this message
OBaeko (oystein-u) said :


You module will report attendance outside contracct hours as overtime, but this is not always the case.

With flexible schedules like we have, the employee is free to work extra hours 1 day, and work less another day.

Also, the rate for overtime payment is different for different time. For example, you get more overtime if you have to work on a Sunday compared to work a few extra hours a normal day. The rules for this will be different in different countries, and it could also depend on the negoatiation with each employee.

I think a system that should handle overtime automatically need to be adwanced so the overtime rules and the payment rates can be specified in a flexible way.

For manual handling, it should be up to the employee to specify the time (to and from) and the rate. Then the manager should accept or decline this.

Will your functionallity cover this in any way?

Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) said :

My module shows hours analysis based on working calendar.

The new version, available on apps, also includes a PDF report showing, selecting a date range, for each day:

 - Due hours (according to calendar)
 - Working Hours
 - Extra calendar hours (Overtime)
 - Negative hours (calendar hours not covered by working hours)
 - Leaves

Totals are showed too.

However, the way those hours will be paid or adjusted is not the scope of the module, as it should provide time analysis only.

Revision history for this message
Serpent Consulting Services (serpent-consulting-services) said :

You should wait till V6.1 OpenERP, It has new payroll engine which will allow us to input overtime hours and compute bonus.

Revision history for this message
OBaeko (oystein-u) said :

Ok, good to hear. Will it be connected to time registration, so the employees can specify overtim, this being controlled and acepted by the manager and connected to the payroll?

Revision history for this message ( said :


If I get it right:

Currently in 6.1's hr_payroll Payslip the number of hours is based on the working hours per day, set in the working schedule of the employee:
attendances['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day
 ... res += working_day.hour_to - working_day.hour_from

And the Wizard which generates the Payslip only creates "Normal Working Days paid at 100%".

So there is no connection with Time Registration and no way to handle Overtime?
Is this because it's not finished yet or did I miss somethin?
How will Overtime be handled in 6.1?

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