Unable to do anything useful after installation

Asked by outre99

Just read about Plexydesk and it looked very good so i installed it from a ppa onto Ubuntu 12.04 using apt-get install plexydesk.
After the installation no application shortcuts were addeed to the programs so i had to start Plexidesk from the terminal. It loaded and showed a file browser widget, a clock widget, and blank widget, and a search widget, that didn't run any searches.
But there were no options to configure the desktop, add widgets more widgets, or anything else for that matter.
It looks great but in this state it's pretty useless. So the question is am I missing something or is it just a proof of concept for now?

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PhobosK (phobosk) said :

The functionality of PlexyDesk you've installed depends on which PPA you have used:
1. The stable PPA (https://launchpad.net/~plexydesk/+archive/plexydesk-stable) or the
2. Daily builds one (https://launchpad.net/~plexydesk/+archive/plexydesk-dailybuild).
The first one contains older code that used to work but is at early stages of development, so not much features can be expected.
The second PPA contains the latest available code, which means it has some bugs and may not work properly.

Anyway for both PPAs the functionality is limited.
PlexyDesk is still in alpha stage, and many of its features are under heavy development process, so actually we may say it is still a kinda proof of concept, though that is not the exact state the project is at.

Since the people developing the code are doing it in their free time and we are not much, the progress goes slowly but we are entitled to release a working and usable version ASAP.

If you or anyone are willing to help us in anything, please feel free to join our PlexyDesk project.

More info can be found on our project's homepage: http://plexyplanet.org
Read the Development section here: http://www.plexyplanet.org/development

Revision history for this message
PhobosK (phobosk) said :

Thanks for your question.
I hope you do not mind my adding it to a FAQ for PlexyDesk :)
FAQ #2162: “PlexyDesk has very limited functionality after I have installed it.”.

Revision history for this message
outre99 (outre99) said :

Thank you for the detailed answer.
I don't mind at all and look forward to the future releases.

On 12/15/2012 08:56 PM, PhobosK wrote:
> Your question #216861 on PlexyDesk changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/plexydesk/+question/216861
> Related FAQ set to:
> PlexyDesk has very limited functionality after I have installed it.
> https://answers.launchpad.net/plexydesk/+faq/2162
> PhobosK proposed the following answer:
> Thanks for your question.
> I hope you do not mind my adding it to a FAQ for PlexyDesk :)
> FAQ #2162: “PlexyDesk has very limited functionality after I have installed it.”.

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