Choose the language of QtSixa

Asked by Guillaume

I think it will be good if it's possible to change the language of QtSixa. For me, by example, I'm french, and it's not very friendly to have this software in english language.
If you are ok to do this, I can help you to translate in French.

PS : I have created a package for sixad + qtsixa for Archlinux ;)

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English Edit question
QtSixA Edit question
falkTX (Old) Edit question
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We'll work on this as soon as I have some free time.
Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

Thanks for packaging for other distro. Really appreciate that.

Translations... well, I would do it if I knew how.
I'll need to study this for a while...

It should be done (at most) before February (1.2.0 with translations ?)
Of course, I'll try to get this implemented as soon as possible

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Ok ;) Thanks for this attention.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

I saw that you have released version 1.2.0 of QtSixa (beta) with the translation. I am currently translating into French;).

Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

I guess you already know how to do it then.
For those who don't, I started writing a little tutorial for it and it will be available at the official webpage soon

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Yes, I know how to do it ;).
For the moment, no problem as you can see :

Good work !
I continue the translation.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Oh sorry, I thought that you will release 1.2.0 at 30 january.
So, this is the traduction of QtSixA in french. (mostly finish)

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :
Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

Sorry for releasing sooner, I'll be busy for the next few days, so I had to release it while I could. (or it would be delayed)

I'll update your translation file and post here the new one with the final 1.2.0 strings

Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

Here it is:

Please finish the translation and I'll then make 1.2.0a

Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

I just released v1.2.1

You can use your translated file this way:
1 - download 1.2.1 source and extract it somewhere
2 - copy your fr_FR.ts to "qtsixa/lang/"
3 - edit "qtsixa/gui/" and add at the end:
TRANSLATIONS += ../lang/fr_FR.ts
4 - run:
pylupdate4 -verbose

This will update your *.ts file to the new strings (only a few are new).

Happy translations!

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Sorry, these last days I was very busy, so I had no time to translate it. I will do it the more rapidly possible.

Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

It's okay, I'm a little busy too (working on Lucid and some personal projects).

A spanish translation is also coming, so I may release the 2 translations in a v1.2.2 release.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Ok, I will inform you when it's done. I am translating this afternoon.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

I am finalizing the translation. (it needs little updates)

Revision history for this message
Nicolas.Perrault (nicolas-perrault) said :


Si tu veux que j'y jette un coup d'oeil, tu peux me l'envoyer.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Si tu veux pas de soucis, je n'y ai pas touché depuis plusieurs jours, il y a encore des modifications à faire, il doit y avoir pas mal de maladresses dans la traduction.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

I have updated a few sentences.

See here :
97% of sentences are translated. The rest I don't understand them, so I have not translated them.
Can you add it to your src?

Revision history for this message
falkTX (Old) (falk-t-j) said :

hi Guillaume, thanks!

it's a little late though, as I already started developing a new version.
at this time, I won't make any more v1.2.x releases, but i'll add it to the qtsixa ppa packages.

it will be handy for the new version.
i'll let you know when a beta is released, there shouldn't too many new strings.

Revision history for this message
Guillaume (yimboka) said :

Hi falktx
No problem, let me know ;)

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