Can't See any Progress

Asked by Mniak

I installed rb-fileorganizer v2.0.1-2 and installed in rhythmbox v2.97.
I can see the plugin, and after activating it I can see the 'Organize Selection' option on menu.

But when i click in it I don't see any progress. The new folder with artist name is created in my Music directory but nothing more.
I cleared the .fileorganizer.log file and I'm monitoring it with this line "while true; do clear; cat .fileorganizer.log; sleep 1; done", but nothing happens.

I'm doing something wrong? Why is it not working, please?

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Rhythmbox Fileorganizer Edit question
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lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

if the files are created it means there is an issue before it completes.

was there anything in the log file before you cleared it? it will at least give us the step it was up to when failing

you can also run rhythmbox in debug
rhythmbox -d fileorganiser-gtk3

the terminal output will give us the specific errors

Revision history for this message
Mniak (mniak) said :

Running in debug mode i got this: (I don't know what is relevant, so i did not filter)

(22:32:41) [0xd2f2c0] [MusicFile.preview] .local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/ preview
(22:32:41) [0xd2f2c0] [data_filler] .local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/ /Ben5bass/Amor fati ALBUM ARTIST FOUND
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/andre/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/", line 169, in organize_selection
  File "/home/andre/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/", line 186, in process_selection
  File "/home/andre/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/", line 253, in preview
    if not self.check_bad_file(source):
  File "/home/andre/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer-gtk3/", line 232, in check_bad_file
    tags = eyeD3.Tag()
NameError: global name 'eyeD3' is not defined
(22:32:41) [0xd2f2c0] [window_focus_cb] rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:169: window got focus, re-grabbing media keys
(22:32:42) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2243: paned position 0
(22:32:42) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2250: right_paned position 400
(22:32:42) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2257: sidebar paned position 300
(22:32:47) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2243: paned position 0
(22:32:47) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2250: right_paned position 400
(22:32:47) [0xd2f2c0] [sync_window_settings] rb-shell.c:2257: sidebar paned position 300
(22:32:54) [0x172a810] [electromagnetic_shotgun] rb-metadata-dbus-service.c:176: shutting down (39s idle)
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_enter] rhythmdb.c:1228: counter: 1
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_enter] rhythmdb.c:1228: counter: 2
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_enter] rhythmdb.c:1228: counter: 3
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_enter] rhythmdb.c:1228: counter: 4
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [query_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:4041: entering query thread
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4018: doing query
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [do_query_recurse] rhythmdb-tree.c:2305: doing recursive query, 1 conjunctions
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_model_add_results] rhythmdb-query-model.c:2248: adding 0 entries
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4024: completed
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [query_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:4041: entering query thread
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4018: doing query
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [do_query_recurse] rhythmdb-tree.c:2305: doing recursive query, 1 conjunctions
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_model_add_results] rhythmdb-query-model.c:2248: adding 0 entries
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4024: completed
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [query_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:4041: entering query thread
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4018: doing query
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [do_query_recurse] rhythmdb-tree.c:2305: doing recursive query, 1 conjunctions
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_model_add_results] rhythmdb-query-model.c:2248: adding 0 entries
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a88047230] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4024: completed
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a880472d0] [query_thread_main] rhythmdb.c:4041: entering query thread
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a880472d0] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4018: doing query
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a880472d0] [do_query_recurse] rhythmdb-tree.c:2305: doing recursive query, 1 conjunctions
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a880472d0] [rhythmdb_query_model_add_results] rhythmdb-query-model.c:2248: adding 0 entries
(22:33:29) [0x7f9a880472d0] [rhythmdb_query_internal] rhythmdb.c:4024: completed
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [idle_process_update] rhythmdb-query-model.c:1187: inserting 0 rows
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [idle_process_update] rhythmdb-query-model.c:1187: inserting 0 rows
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [idle_process_update] rhythmdb-query-model.c:1187: inserting 0 rows
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [idle_process_update] rhythmdb-query-model.c:1187: inserting 0 rows
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2536: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_QUERY_COMPLETE
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_leave] rhythmdb.c:1242: counter: 3
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2529: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_THREAD_EXITED
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2536: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_QUERY_COMPLETE
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_leave] rhythmdb.c:1242: counter: 2
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2529: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_THREAD_EXITED
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2536: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_QUERY_COMPLETE
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_leave] rhythmdb.c:1242: counter: 1
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2529: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_THREAD_EXITED
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2536: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_QUERY_COMPLETE
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_read_leave] rhythmdb.c:1242: counter: 0
(22:33:29) [0xd2f2c0] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2529: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_THREAD_EXITED

Revision history for this message
Mniak (mniak) said :

The log remain blank

Revision history for this message
Mniak (mniak) said :

eyeD3: What i dumb I am!
So, I installed python-eyed3 and the problem changed a little.

Now when i clicked "Organize Selection" it opens '.fileorganizer-preview.log' with the following content:
========================== .fileorganizer-preview.log FILE ===============================
Change Found:
/home/andre/Music/Ben5bass/Amor fati/01. Bad day.mp3
/home/andre/Music/ArtistTest/Amor fati/01 - Bad day.mp3

Change Found:
/home/andre/Music/Ben5bass/Amor fati/08. Hippocamp's dream.mp3
/home/andre/Music/ArtistTest/Amor fati/08 - Hippocamp's dream.mp3
=====================-=========== END OF FILE =======================================

But the file is still on the old location.
The .fileorganizer.log and .fileorganizer-damaged.log are blank.

Revision history for this message
Best lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

    tags = eyeD3.Tag()
NameError: global name 'eyeD3' is not defined

is python-eyed3 installed?

this could be a bug in preview mode by the looks not informing you it's missing.

Revision history for this message
Mniak (mniak) said :

I some time ago trying to solve the problem by snooping the options and activated preview mode, so i deactivated this and all things worked.
 Thanks for the gentle push!

Revision history for this message
lachlan-00 (lachlan-00) said :

thank. i've created a bug report from this as i'll need to check it out.

glad you're working now.

Revision history for this message
Mniak (mniak) said :

Thanks lachlan-00, that solved my question.