Configuring Base url in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sst/ for data driven tests

Asked by Ayo

When running a data driven test for the first time , is it required to change some of the configuration(s) in the /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sst/ and any of the other files? This question/comment is aimed to help those of us new to SST-python.

I tried running a simple data driven test using a simple data (pore.csv) and a test ( file as mentioned in the instructions. The test failed and gave some errors.

test_pore (sst.runtests.TestPore) ...
    Starting browser: Firefox
    Loading data row 1
    Going to... http://localhost:8000/
    Waiting for 'get_element'
    Title is: u'Problem loading page'. Does not contain 'Ubuntu'
    Stopping browser

Eventually i traced the reason for the fail (in the error console) to the base url in the "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sst/" which was set to ==> "BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'"

This i edited. and removed the "localhost:8080". Afterwards i was able to overcome this error.

So my question is it required to change some of the defaults in the files and other settings?

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English Edit question
selenium-simple-test Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Corey Goldberg
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Revision history for this message
Vincent Ladeuil (vila) said :

Things would be clearer if you show us your test itself, but based on ' Going to... http://localhost:8000/' I suspect you did use '' instead of '' somewhere.

> is it required to change some of the defaults in the files and other settings?

The answer to that is no, but you probably want to use actions.set_base_url('' at the beginning of your script.

Revision history for this message
Ayo (k-akolay1) said :

The test script/file =

from sst.actions import *

the data file = pore.csv


when executed the console came up with this

plore@ubuntu:~$ sst-run -d /home/plore/ pore
starting SST...

  date time: 2012-12-19 18:41
  test directory: '/home/plore/'
  report format: 'console'
  browser type: 'Firefox'
  javascript disabled: False
  browswermob proxy launcher: None
  shared directory: None
  screenshots on error: False
  failfast: False
  debug: False
  headless xserver: False

  Reading data from 'pore.csv'... found 3 rows

  3 test cases loaded

test_pore (sst.runtests.TestPore) ...
    Starting browser: Firefox
    Loading data row 1
    Going to... http://localhost:8000/
    Waiting for 'get_element'

The test failed..
From the error message i was able to trace it to the a default configuration (line 92) in the /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sst/ file

the line 92 was ==> BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'
this is seen to appear before the url that is the data file
                       Going to... http://localhost:8000/
after editing it to ==> BASE_URL = 'http://' it stopped including localhost:8080 before the url to visit.

So my question is, is it required to normally change any of the configurations before running the tests.

Revision history for this message
Best Corey Goldberg (coreygoldberg) said :

you are not using url's.

for example, this is a full url:

this is not:

the second case is handled like a relative url, using the current base_url to append to.



Revision history for this message
Ayo (k-akolay1) said :

Thanks Corey Goldberg, that solved my question.