[Robot-Framework]Timeout Not Finding img
I'm wokring with:
Python (version : Python 3.10.4)
RobotFramework (version: 6.1.1)
OS: Windows
I'm trying to make the hello world example : http://
I have an error :
I manage to understand that S is for "Similarty". meaning that the program can find a 70% chance my image ?
Another issue I have is that I don't understant why there is a need capture pics if I can get them. Currently all the script is picking up is the IDE with the script... not really interesting!
I have passed him my pic (in the folder the scripts creats and out)...
Nothing changes.
I have many "Sikuli_
WARNING: sun.reflect.
17:04:56.823 [main] INFO org.eclipse.
17:04:56.895 [main] INFO org.eclipse.
17:04:56.947 [main] INFO org.eclipse.
17:04:57.090 [main] INFO org.eclipse.
17:04:57.090 [main] INFO org.eclipse.
Same message as when I run the command :
"java -jar SikuliLibrary.jar 1000"
my code :
*** Settings ***
Documentation Sikuli Library Demo
Library SikuliLibrary
Library BuiltIn
*** Test Cases ***
Windows Notpad Hellow World
Open Windows Start Menu
Open Notepad
Input In Notepad
Quit Without Save
*** Keywords ***
Set Always Resize = 5
Open Windows Start Menu
Click 1701437608400
Open Notepad
Input Text search_input.png notepad
Click notepad.png
Double Click notepad_title.png
Input In Notepad
Input Text notepad_
Text Should Exist Hello World
Quit Without Save
Click close.png
Click dont_save.png
Can I pass my program image and skip the capture?
How can I make the hello world work ?
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- SikuliX Edit question
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- textSolver34761
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: