Automated testing

Asked by Abeed Chowdhury

Hi, I am working on a project where I want to be able to take a screen recording of a randomized interaction with a GUI. The main goal is to capture a comprehensive range of possible user interactions with a GUI to visualize what users might see when interacting with a GUI. The reason this needs to be automated is that it needs to be done for many different GUI's. Is this something that can be achieved in Sikuli, have you given something like this any thought?

I apologize if my question is a little bit to broad, please any questions to for you to get a better idea

thanks very much!

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said :

currently not possible with Sikulix

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TestMechanic (ndinev) said :

You can program your interactions in Sikuli and then do a screen recording of script execution against your application

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Drafter (drafet) said (last edit ):

Yes, automating randomized GUI interactions and screen recording with Sikuli is feasible. Sikuli's image recognition-based scripting can simulate user actions (clicks, typing, etc.) on visual elements, which makes it useful for interacting with a wide variety of GUIs.

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