Documentation of "Use()" command

Asked by Nicolas LEGOUPIL

I hope it's not already answered/documented, but as you can imagine it's hard to find relevant results with "use" keyword in search.

There is no documentation about the "Use()" command which seems to be really useful, especially in multi-monitor environment ; the only article I found about it is this one :

For example, I would like to know which is the current "default screen region" set in the running session (IDE or script) ; let's take this code and assume the command I'm looking for is "getCurrentDefaultScreen()":

getCurrentDefaultScreen() #should return 0 or 1, depending of the setup
getCurrentDefaultScreen() #should return 2
getCurrentDefaultScreen() #should return same as first line

Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance

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Nicolas LEGOUPIL (nicobest01) said :

Is there any answer here?

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RaiMan (raimund-hocke) said (last edit ):

Sorry for the delay.

No such feature, but this might help to make your own function:

s0 = use()
print SCREEN.getID()
s1 = use(Screen(1))
print SCREEN.getID()

SCREEN always is the current default Screen object and getID() returns its current monitor ID.

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