start multiple terminals inside terminator from command line

Asked by Valdir Stumm Junior

Hi all,
is there a way to start a terminator instance with multiple terminals inside it? I mean, something like the gnome-terminal "--tab-with-profile" option. For instance, a command like: "terminator --tab -x command1 --tab -x command2 --tab -x command3 --tab -x command4" could open a terminator instance with four slices, each one running the command passed to it.

I've searched and I didn't found anything about it. If it's not implemented, it would be a great feature to improve this great software.



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Terminator Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Chris Jones (cmsj) said :

The ability to save layouts is planned, but not yet implemented unfortunately.

Revision history for this message
Stephane Wirtel (OpenERP) (stephane-openerp) said :

I'm interested by this ability.



Revision history for this message
Valdir Stumm Junior (stummjr) said :

I'm sure that saving layouts is also a nice feature and similar to my question. But what I mean is a command line option by which we could start terminator instances with n windows (slices) inside it. It would help the users to write scripts that starts, for instance, a terminator window with 4 slices, each one with a ssh connection to a different server. I think it would be very nice.

Thanks for your reply.

Revision history for this message
Chris Jones (cmsj) said :

I'm not very keen on the syntax, especially when you start trying to make the options refer to splits

Revision history for this message
Valdir Stumm Junior (stummjr) said :

What I mean is something like gnome-terminal has related to its tabs. As terminator doesn't have tabs, it could refer to the splits.

Revision history for this message
Chris Jones (cmsj) said :

terminator does have tabs :)

Revision history for this message
Valdir Stumm Junior (stummjr) said :

I didn't notice that :)

Revision history for this message
mindart (openbsd-geek) said :

So how can I start multiple terminals inside terminator? I need it for GNS3. When I press console button on GNS3, I need all my telnet sessions will be able to start on one terminator windows.

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