Fatal error on installation and video feature request

Asked by chill

Unable to continue installing troubadour after I put in my email address. The error install is at http://www.contentknowledge.com/troubadour/index.php

Fatal error: Call to undefined method XMLReader::readString() in /home/teenr0/public_html/contentknowledge/troubadour/tr-includes/db_connect.php on line 59

I am on a shared hosting plan

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Installed Perl Modules

Creating missing directory /tmp/perl_install.work.qfUBUYIfjxKJ8LVU Ping:24.815 Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(120328.57 bytes/s)...Done 5 usable mirrors located Acme::Spork (0.0.7) Apache::Admin::Config (0.94)
AppConfig (1.66) Archive::Tar (1.48)
Archive::Tar::Streamed (0.03) Archive::Zip (1.26)
Authen::Libwrap (0.21) BSD::Resource (1.2902)
Business::OnlinePayment (2.01) Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet (3.20)
Business::UPS (1.13) CGI (3.42)
CPAN (1.9304) Class::Accessor (0.31)
Class::Singleton (1.4) Class::Std (0.0.9)
Class::Std::Utils (0.0.3) Clone (0.31)
Compress::Bzip2 (2.09) Compress::Raw::Bzip2 (2.017)
Compress::Raw::Zlib (2.017) Compress::Zlib (2.017)
Convert::ASN1 (0.21) Cpanel::Cleanup (0.4)
Cpanel::FastMath (0.2) Cpanel::POSIX::Tiny (0.7)
Crypt::GPG (1.63) Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA (0.25)
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Cwd (3.25) DBD::mysql (4.010)
DBI (1.607) DBIx::MyParsePP (0.50)
Data::Dump (1.14) DateTime (0.42)
DateTime::Locale (0.35) DateTime::TimeZone (0.75)
Devel::PPPort (3.16) Digest::HMAC (1.01)
Digest::MD5::File (0.07) Digest::SHA (5.47)
Digest::SHA1 (2.11) Email::Abstract (2.132)
Email::Date (1.102) Email::Date::Format (1.002)
Email::Simple (2.003) Email::Valid (0.180)
Encode (2.29) Encode::Detect (1.01)
Error (0.17008) Expect (1.21)
ExtUtils::CBuilder (0.24) ExtUtils::MakeMaker (6.50)
ExtUtils::ParseXS (2.19) FCGI (0.67)
File::Copy::Recursive (0.38) File::Find::Rule (0.30)
File::Find::Rule::Filesys::Virtual (1.22) File::HomeDir (0.86)
File::MMagic::XS (0.09003) File::ReadBackwards (1.04)
File::Slurp (9999.12) File::Tail (0.99.3)
File::Temp (0.21) File::Touch (0.02)
File::Which (0.05) Filesys::Df (0.92)
Filesys::Statvfs (0.82) Filesys::Virtual (0.06)
Filesys::Virtual::Plain (0.10) Filter (1.03)
GD (2.35) GD::Graph (1.44)
GD::Text (0.86) Geo::IPfree (0.5)
Getopt::Long (2.37) Getopt::Param::Tiny (0.5)
Graph::Easy (0.64) Graph::Flowchart (0.11)
HTML::Parser (3.59) HTML::Tagset (3.20)
HTTP::Daemon::App (0.0.9) HTTP::Daemon::SSL (1.02)
IO::Compress (2.017) IO::Compress::Base (2.017)
IO::Compress::Bzip2 (2.017) IO::Compress::Zlib (2.017)
IO::Socket::ByteCounter (0.0.2) IO::Socket::SSL (1.22)
IO::Stringy (2.110) IO::Stty (.02)
IO::Tty (1.071) IO::Zlib (1.09)
IP::Country (2.26) IPC::Run (0.80)
Image::Magick (6.4.5) Image::Size (3.100001)
LWP (5.812) Lchown (1.00)
List::Cycle (0.04) List::Util (1.20)
MD5 (2.03) MIME::Lite (3.024)
MIME::Types (1.21) MLDBM (2.01)
Mail (0.02) Mail::DKIM (0.32)
Mail::DomainKeys (1.0) Mail::SPF (v2.006)
Mail::SPF::Query (1.999.1) Mail::SRS (0.31)
Mail::SpamAssassin (3.002004) Math::Fibonacci (1.5)
Math::Fibonacci::Phi (0.02) Module::Build (0.33)
Module::Pluggable (3.6) Net (0.11)
Net::AIM (1.22) Net::CIDR::Lite (0.20)
Net::DAV::Server (1.29) Net::DNS (0.65)
Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable (v0.003) Net::Daemon (0.43)
Net::Daemon::SSL (1.0) Net::FTPSSL (0.06)
Net::IP (1.25) Net::LDAP (0.39)
Net::LDAP::Server (0.4) Net::OSCAR (1.925)
Net::SSLeay (1.30) NetAddr::IP ( 4.007)
Number::Compare (0.01) OLE::Storage_Lite (0.18)
Package::Constants (0.02) Params::Util (0.36)
Params::Validate (0.89) Parse::RecDescent (1.94)
Perl (5.8.8) Pod::Escapes (1.04)
Pod::Perldoc (3.15) Pod::Simple (3.05)
Proc::Daemon (0.03) Quota (1.6.3)
RRDp (1.000481) RRDs (1.000481)
SQL::Statement (1.17) SVG::TT::Graph (0.10)
Safe::Hole (0.10) Set::Crontab (1.02)
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (0.49) Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (2.25)
Storable (2.18) String::CRC32 (1.4)
Sub::Uplevel (0.2002) Sys::Hostname::Long (1.4)
Template (2.20) Term::ReadKey (2.30)
Term::ReadLine (1.02) Test::Exception (0.27)
Test::Harness (3.17) Test::Manifest (1.22)
Test::Pod (1.26) Test::Simple (0.86)
Text::CSV (1.10) Text::CSV_XS (0.31)
Text::Glob (0.08) Text::Iconv (1.7)
Text::Query (0.07) Tie::DBI (1.02)
Tie::IxHash (1.21) Tie::ShadowHash (0.07)
Tie::Watch (1.2) Time::HiRes (1.9719)
Time::Piece (1.11) TimeDate (1.01)
Tree::MultiNode (1.0.10) URI (1.37)
Unix::PID (0.0.15) Unix::PID::Tiny (0.5)
XML::Filter::BufferText (1.01) XML::LibXML (1.69)
XML::LibXML::Common (0.13) XML::NamespaceSupport (1.09)
XML::Parser (2.34) XML::SAX (0.96)
XML::SAX::Expat (0.40) XML::SAX::Writer (0.50)
XML::Simple (2.18) XML::Writer (0.604)
YAML (0.68) YAML::Syck (1.05)
cPanel::MemTest (0.0.2) lib::restrict (0.0.5)
version (0.76) ()

Evidently, there is something that I don't have and your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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English Edit question
Troubadour CMS Edit question
No assignee Edit question
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Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

You have to have XMLReader extension installed and enabled. Here is some information http://php.net/manual/en/xmlreader.installation.php

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

You need also XMLWriter extension http://php.net/manual/en/xmlwriter.installation.php

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Rauli Haverinen suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #542: “System requirements”.

Revision history for this message
chill (chill-eduonlineservices) said :

Dear Rauli,

I have downloaded the xmlreader.php, the xmlwriter zip file and the gd image manipulation zip from the php classes website, but I don't know where to put them in the troubadour directory. Also, the installation information at php.net I don't get it. Sorry, for not being proficient in this, but I am biology high school teacher by profession :) I hope you can help me to get this to work, because I really like this program and I know that it will be useful at the high school level.

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hi chill,

You don't install those packages within Troubadour, but instead to your PHP installation on your server software itself. I cannot give you a straight answer how to do that but you might find some information from http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.php but most likely you should request these additions from your web server service provider. However, you should also check the exact PHP version installed, since both extensions should be available by default from PHP 5.1.2.

Revision history for this message
chill (chill-eduonlineservices) said :

Hi Raul,

I got Troubadour setup on another server with no problem. As I went through it, I noticed that people cannot register by themselves, instead the admin has to manually do this. Do you see yourself adding a signup process that will enable people to signup for themselves? Also, when do you think a video upload and video player will be integrated? Other than my prior comments, I like what you have done and Troubadour is definitely going to be a hit with high schools.

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Thanks chill,

There's a checkbox called "REGISTRATION" in your "Administration > Settings". Enable that and save, then self-registration is open then you only need to review and accept registrations.


I'm currently unaware of schelude of further development. If eg. your organization has a serious need for a particular feature, you should consider hiring me for doing that.


Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Rauli Haverinen suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #558: “How can I enable users to registrate themselves?”.

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Rauli Haverinen suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #557: “How can I request new features?”.

Revision history for this message
chill (chill-eduonlineservices) said :

Dear Rauli,

The high school I work for already is using a proprietory web site development application called schoolcenter from schoolcenter.com. It really sucks and more than the majority of all users don't even bother to use it. So, this is why I am doing what I doing, which is to put together what I believe is the best gpl internet applications in a sorta mashup that aren't proprietory that all high schools can use to improve instruction, learning and communication among all stake holders. This link will give you an idea of what I am doing. If you were to look at all high school web sites in the USA, you would be able to see that teachers are far behind in the use of technology-internet usage. The teachers are doers and not "how do I use this application?"


This is something that I envisioned back in 1987, but as you know, it wasn't possible and for the most part, it hasn't been possible until lately. So, I'm trying to help education and at the same time, try to create a business for myself and my family post teaching retirement. I don't know how much they pay you for your teaching, but here in the US, it isn't enough. But, I would be interested in knowing how much you would charge for the video upload feature for Troubadour?

Another point that I want to make is that my business model includes the payment to all of the gpl scripts owners when a school purchases school demo site. At this point, the license price for each school will be based upon their school enrollment size. The school is not paying for the gpl scripts I employ or they use, but the frameset and design that puts it all together. This license is reoccuring each year.

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Hi chill,

I will most likely do the feature later anyway, but I thought I could consider doing it sooner if I got something from it. Even then I could possibly think about it no sooner than in late July - August. I'd also have to examine taxes and other formalities which makes unclear is it worth all that hassle at the moment. So may be it would be most convenient to leave the feature until I would easily do it along with other features.

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Btw, if you have other issues, open them in separate questions, so that they could be more useful to others too. Thanks! =)

Revision history for this message
deleted (raulih-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount-deactivatedaccount) said :

Embedded video player for Flash compatible file types (FLV + H.264/MPEG-4) will be available from version 0.6.2 onwards (very soon).