ubuntu and antivirus

Asked by jonsaint

hi. for many years ive always used microsoft products but got sick of all the viruses,spyware and malware thats on there so i was told about ubuntu.
after having a mess about with it ive decided to keep it...i love it!!!

now ive got it on my system full time (its the only os on my pc) can anyone recommend a decent firewall that dont need coding or anything complicated as im a beginner and also a decent antivirus.

i have tried avast but after the first day it keeps giving me an error and it wont reinstall........avg is just a real pain and i cant get it to work full stop! and i have tried a few others without much success.
currently im using kalm antivirus but it wont scan half the stuff as its coming up with errors and all sorts plus it tends to lock up half way through scanning and im at my wits end with it!


p.s, how do you uninstall programms on ubuntu??

thanks all.

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :
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Greg Beam (ki7mt) said :


Liunx is relatively safe with respect to the virus attacks as compared to other operating systems, thus the reason you wont find tons of them like you used too.

The two most common or popular for lack of a better word, your already using or have used: Avast & Clam.

For your firewall configuration, you may want to consider GUFW, a graphical user interface for UFW or do a search for Ubuntu Firewall Configuration. There are many well respected sites with good techniques.

As for removing programs, you can use any number of ways, but the most common are:

- Synaptic Package Manager: System >> Administration >> Synaptic package Manager
- Use APT from a terminal: sudo apt-get remove [package_name]
- DPKG from a terminal: sudo dpkg -r [Package_Name]
- Aptitude from a terminal window: sudo aptitude remove {Package_Name]

Most folks choose the Synaptic MPackage Manager and apt-get.


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GREG T. (ubuntuer) said :

 open firefox search for clamav then download the debain/ubuntu download and install with getdeb package installer. after install you will find it under allications- accessories - virus scanner .

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GREG T. (ubuntuer) said :

 wish i could type today applications- accessories - virus scanner

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marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :

As I understand it, ubuntu has a firewall built in. Just to be sure that it did, I went to grc.com to test it. The firewall seems to exist.

As far as virii is concerned, they have to be specifically written for linux before they can infect your computers. That is, a virus written to attack a Mac will have no effect on a Windoze machine. Almost all of the virii out there are written to infect Windoze.

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zvacet (ivicakolic) said :

Before you install anything read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812

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GREG T. (ubuntuer) said :

 yes ! this is true , but it is fun to run clamav just to show off that it has never had a virus sense it was installed . people always ask what about viruses then i can show them that clamav has never found one to - date . and there impressed . then i give them an install cd , and tell them how to install .

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