cannot write to mounted xp share

Asked by steveb001

I have Windows XP PC acting as a file store which I have mounted within Ubuntu using the smbmount command as follows:
smbmount //nas/backup /media/nas -o username=********,password=************
This command was run under the root account

The command successfully mounts the share, which I can browse and copy data from (as a user). The problem is that I have no write permissions to the share or it's subfolders.

1. The username and password above is the same on my XP Pc and my Ubuntu box.
2. I have also tried mounting the share with the mount command and received identical symptoms.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can mount this share and provide write capabilities for the user account?

Thanks in advance.

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

I think you must specify the uid=your-username and rw (read and write) permission
smbmount //nas/backup /media/nas -o username=********,password=************ -o uid=yourusername,rw

Other related to samba shares:


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steveb001 (stevebond001) said :

Thanks for the reply. Tried your suggestion but still got the same result

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Cesare Montedonico (cmontedonico) said :

Try to mount your partition with ntfs-3g.... first make an apt-get install ntfs-3g, and after that mount your XP partition as root... and thats all.

if your partition is /dev/hda2 and your folder to mount is /media/windows, do as root:

$ mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda2 /media/windows

this give you all permissions to read and write, try whit this solution.

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steveb001 (stevebond001) said :

Thanks for the help. I already have ntfs-3g installed and configured to allow write access to internal and external NTFS disks.

I tried the command line you suggested but got an error, as the drive I am trying to mount is an XP share, not a locally attached disk (hence the reason I am trying to use smbmount). I am assuming that ntfs-3g only caters for locally attached NTFS disks.

Thanks anyway.

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steveb001 (stevebond001) said :

Thanks for everyone's help - I have now managed to successfully mount my XP share. After some digging around (and your help) I came up with the following command:

sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=steve/workgroup%password,fmask=777,rw //nas/backup /media/nas

This now allows me to write to the XP share successfully.

Many thanks once again.