nautilus hangs when opening a folder with mp3 files

Asked by S.Rey

When I open a folder with mp3 files, nautilus hangs.

If I disable the preview of audio files, then the problem dissapears.

I have a fresh installation of Gutsy final on a Core Duo laptop with 1Gb RAM and ATI x1400 (using gutsy fglrx).

I have been searching for nautilus or gstreamer bugs and have not seen anything similar.

Anybody can reproduce this problem?

Thank you.

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Clóvis Fabrício (nosklo) said :

Try installing mpg321 and vorbis-tools...

At a command line:
sudo aptitude install mpg321 vorbis-tools
Or just use synaptic.

If that does not work please reopen question with the following information:

Can you play MP3 files?
Please leave System -> Administration -> System Monitor open, in its process list tab, ordered by CPU use, and then launch the folder with the mp3 to reproduce the hang - which process is using the cpu? Are there any suspicious processes in the list at the time of the hang (something sound related)?

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S.Rey (s.rey) said :

Installing mpg321 doesn't make any difference.

I can play mp3 files (and could play them before installing mp321). The first time I tried to play a mp3 file, totem gstreamer asked permission to download the codecs.
(Note that I can open all the folders through the file browser inside totem, and play the files with no problem at all)

The problem appears when I open the folder with mp3 files in nautilus. The nautilus window hangs. When I try to close it, says file browser not responding, wait or force exit.

There is not any process using the CPU when this occurs. The most CPU demanding is gnome-system-monitor, around 1 to 5%, the same than prior to open the folder in nautilus.

If I go (in nautilus) to Edit/Preferences/Preview and deactivate the preview in sound files, then I can open the window in nautilus.

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Jignesh Borad (jigneshborad) said :

This question looks quite old to me. Have you tried this in latest ubuntu releases? Is the problem still there? Please provide details about the version of ubuntu and other related softwares if the problem is still there.

Revision history for this message
S.Rey (s.rey) said :

Sorry, It was solved in ubuntu 8.04LTS.
(I have not tried 8.10)