Adding more space to Ubuntu?

Asked by Perkele

I installed Hardy Heron with 15 gigs of space via Windows. Is there any way I can make it 30 gigs without having to reinstall/lose my files?

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Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

It depends on your disk (number, sequence and size of partitions). Send please output of this command (it shows disk and partitions): "sudo fdisk -l" (without quotation marks, last letter is small L).

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Markus Thielmann (thielmann) said :

Thanks for your question.

1) Backup!
2) Backup!
3) Backup!
4) Start Windows, start a defragmentation
5) Get a GParted (Partition Editor) Live-CD (
6) Start the Live-CD
7) Reduce your windows partition, expand your ubuntu root-partition
8) Reboot

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

I don't mean how do I install ubuntu, I mean I have it installed already with the disc via windows. I need to know how to add more gigs of space to the ubuntu.

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

I did not partition, by the way.

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Brewster Malevich (brews) said :

Markus is right. It won't reinstall ubuntu. You need to use a partition editor when the Ubuntu partition is not being used. This is what the gparted cd will let you do.

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

I didn't use the partition, it just installed into Windows. Will the partition thing still work?

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Brewster Malevich (brews) said :

"Partitioning" is just moving stuff around on your hard drive. It's nothing too magical.
Backup your data, make a Gparted live-cd and play around with it. (You'll want to derangement MS Windows first, though.)

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Brewster Malevich (brews) said :

Or wait... did you install Ubuntu using "Wubi"?

Wubi ~is~ a magical, new feature and I don't think you can partition it.

If you are using Wubi, and you want to make the installation bigger, then you will have to transfer your current installation to a real partition using something called the Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager. I hear it's easy; try searching Google for it. I only get the gist of this.

Another option would be to install a new copy of Ubuntu using the traditional installation method: a CD. This is the usual way, and fairly simple (you can make a dual-boot system with both Ubuntu and MS Windows very easily). You'll have to partition your hard drive to do this, but it's not as scary as it sounds, and very simple with Ubuntu's setup. If you like this option, I'll be happy to help you out. First, you may want to look into this 'Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manger' stuff (look through )

Goodluck, let us know how it goes,

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

Yes, I did use wubi.

And also, before I read the post about wubi, I tried the sudo fdisk -l command. Now, I can only boot Ubuntu up if I boot windows up first and then restart. A message comes up (I can't screenshot it obviously) saying something like type Help for list of commands. And when I restart it, instead of the regular "Loading Linux Kernel" it has a few lines of stuff about partitions before it loads.

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Markus Thielmann (thielmann) said :

Thanks for the clarification, I missed the "via Windows" part of your question.

You'll find a solution here:

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

I'm new to linux, how would I download the virtual disk?

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

^ that would be the message that I mentioned.

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Perkele (einherjar-sjel) said :

Accidentally marked as solve. >.>

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Brewster Malevich (brews) said :

I believe that clicking on the "wubi-add-vitual-disk" (it's an underlined link at ) should begin the download.

I'm not too sure about your error message, someone posted a response to the youtube video (about 1 hour before I wrote this) saying:

"its because XP wasnt unmounted cleanly (aka you hit the restart button). Since wubi has installed ubuntu on the C: drive, it needs to be cleanly unmounted for linux to be able to mount the drive"

Translated from geek to english, this means that only one operating system can use the C: drive at a single time. When you switch systems, first XP needs to unmount and only then can Ubuntu mount the C: drive.

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Chase D (dorcha2442) said :

I also want to know how to add more space. I only have 12GB of space on Ubuntu but about 98GB on the entire hard drive. I am dual booting with XP. Can someone help me?

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

@Chase D

Please don't append a new question on a already answered very old (like this) or marked as solved question.
Please make new question from here:
you will get better chance to get right answer on a fresh tagged "open" question.
Solved or answered questions are usually not read from answering people.

Thank you

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