
Asked by peter

Hello my friends

Is anybody here who knows development with Joomla? Thanks for youa answer.


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Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

What do you mean by development? Themes, components, general setup?

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

I'm developing webpages by Joomla.

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

I've done a little work with joomla - setup a couple of online shops and my own installation for "playing" with.
I've written a couple of small modules as well.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Wow - maybe you're the right one *lll.

I've developed a webpage with Joomla. And I would develope a second one. And I'll keep the first one.

How can I develope a second webpage? Thanks for the answer.

Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

Could you provide a little more information? Do you want a separate installation of Joomla on the same server? Or do you want to add an additional article?

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

I developed a webpage. And I would develop a second webpage. In Joomla I don't have a "New" button to create a new environment for the second webpage.

And this is the question: How can I develope the second webpage? And I'll keep the first one. What do I have to do?

Do I have to install Joomla again on the same server? I guess this doen't make sense.

I hope, this helps.

Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

If you want to make an entirely different interface and design it would be best to install a separate Joomla environment on the same server. The easiest way to do this is through the easy installation that many webhosting providers offer. Try repeating the installation method that you did before, but this time install to a different directory/subdirectory than your first Joomla installation.

If you merely want to make a separate page with different content that your first page, but the same overall look and design I would suggest creating a new article.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Thanks a lot, Thomas. Now the first point is clear. I don't know how I can install Joomla. But I guess i can help. Thanks.

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

I'm a little confused by what you mean when you say you've developed a webpage - do you mean a site or an article on that site?

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

I developed a site. Articles are not a problem.

Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

What webhost do you use?

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peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

What do you mean with webhost? The site? Or the provider?

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

Where are you installing Joomla to?
For example, the domain is hosted by - they're the company who own the servers on which the domain operates from.
Have you got a URL for the work you've done so far?

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

Where are you installing Joomla to?
For example, the domain is hosted by - they're the company who own the servers on which the domain operates from.
Have you got a URL for the work you've done so far?

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

The URL is (it's in German). The provider is

Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

From Hostpoint's site: "You can install CMS Joomla! and Typo3 on your SH Server at the click of a mouse from within the Hostpoint Control Panel."

Try going back to your Hostpoint Control Panel and going to install Joomla! but specify a different installation directory from the first one.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Wow, man, you're great.

But how can I get the name of the first installation directory?

First I've to know how i can get an account for the login. I sent them an emai.


Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

Your first installation directory is /joomla
So try /joomla2 or something.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Wow, thanks

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

You may also need to specify a new database - it is possible to use a single database for multiple sites but it's really not recommended. This will be dependent upon the options you can specify using your hosts control panel.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Thanks for the hint. I'm still waiting for the answer regarding the login.

Another question: now I've a lot of articles of the first site. If I'm going to develop the second site do I have to delete all this articles?

If the answer will be yes, how can I edit the first page at a later time? Can I upload the first page by FTP?

Thanks for your answer. You're really a great help.

Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

The two sites are entirely separate - you can anything you like to either site without it affecting the other.

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peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

Yeah, ok.

But if I'm going to update the first site at a later time, I guess I've to delete all articles of the second site in Joomla. And then I can upload the first site from the server.

Is this assumption correct?

And is the following opinion correct? All the articels developed in a site are stored on the server.


Revision history for this message
Andy Ruddock (andy-ruddock) said :

Are you contemplating a "development" site and a "live" site, where the "live" site is updated with content from the "development" site once you're happy with it?

You're correct in the assumption that all documents are stored on the server. Document text is stored in the database, images are uploaded to the server and pointers to their location are stored in the database.

Revision history for this message
Thomas Roten (tsroten) said :

peter, I think that Andy and I are a little confused about what you mean.

You never HAVE to delete articles. You can keep them up there as long as you want. There is even the notion of publishing articles in Joomla! An unpublished article is not seen to the public, but just resides on the server. A published one is seen to the public.

Could you please try to clarify about what you mean?

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

No, the first and also the second site are not live. Because I learn to use Joomla.

Revision history for this message
peter (peter-neuweiler) said :

If I'm going to develop a second site, I'm not interested in to have all the articles of the first site still in Joomla.

This is not necessary and it doesn't make sense in my opinion. These articles belong to the first site and if I develop the second site I'll have an empty starting position in Joomla. Everything else would be laborious.

But I guess this is not a problem. Because all the articles of the first page are stored and saved on the server.

Correct? Thanks.