who's in charge of this forum?????

Asked by philip

i am wondering if there's any one or two or ????? persons in charge and running this ubuntu forum..........
in my personal list of questions i've asked.......someone has put in their own question...at the beginning....followed by the answers i'd received to my own question, which has magiclly dissappered???? ..... what's up wih that?????

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English Edit question
Ubuntu Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Bhavani Shankar
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Charles Profitt (cprofitt) said :

I am not in charge, but if you could give a bit more detail the people in charge might be able to figure out what happened. Maybe even post links to the 'threads'.

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Tang (robertmcgreg) said :

I'm not in charge either, but you might like to read this link while you wait to find out who is

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philip (philip-29) said :

i am just wondering how someone could go and change my own personal questions that i've asked???? kind of bugs me....but no big deal.....doesn't change the world!

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Best Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

Hello Philip

Dont worry..... Its all common.... Infact thats the advantage or disadvantage in many cases... Any user can step in and give answers or modify questions (Most of the time we guys do it for better readability/understandability)

The support team is involved in with the answers tracker (i.e this forum)




Revision history for this message
philip (philip-29) said :

thanx Bhavani........like i said it's not a big deal.......it's jst that my original question is gone, been replaced by someone else's question....altho the answers to my original are still there.......???? a little confusing....

Revision history for this message
philip (philip-29) said :

please help me uninstall ubuntu! <---- this was my original posted question.
what you see below is not what i stated as my problem......it's Guus' problem, his question.
my problem has mysteriously dissappeared!

I have a laptop with Vista Home Premium. I could not install Ubuntu7.04 under Vista and installed it under DOS. It is annoying to switch between Vista and Ubuntu, also Ubuntu is not connected to the internet. I would prefer to have Ubuntu running under Vista with the connection with internet and also using the Virusscanner from Norton. I hope that Ubuntu will now run under Vista now I have installed the SP1 repair package from Microsoft.

I tried to uninstall Ubuntu with the Ubuntu disc, but the uninstall.exe from the Ubuntu disc does not react.

Could anyone help me to uninstall Ubuntu first and than tell me how to install it under Vista.

I like Ubuntu by the way and use already some of the Open Office programs under Vista.

I hope one of you can help me.


who's Guus & how did he accomplish this magical feat?
just kidding......but it's confusing.

Revision history for this message
philip (philip-29) said :

Thanks Bhavani Shankar, that solved my question.