error messages in ubuntu

Asked by joshfan

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Solved by:
Trygve Vea
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Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

sorry, i put this under the wrong area it is fro Ubuntu not totem.

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Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

First of all: Do you have a signifigant amount of free disk space on your system? (more than 200M)

Secondly: Does this behaviour occur if you create a new user and log on with the new user?

Regards, Trygve

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joshfan (dbyrns) said :

i have like 6gigs space left and no on the last it is just me no other users

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Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

The problem is that your dbus-daemon does not start because of one or more malformed files and/or directories in your home directory. This is more of a try and fail situation, but let's start with the most obvious:

I suggest that you try the following:

Open up a terminal

Rename the .dbus-folder in your home directory by typing:

mv .dbus .dbus-old
(if the command returns an error message, it would be wise to supply that message in your next reply)

Log off and on - hopefully the problem is solved.

I hope that helps.

If you don't want to spend too much time troubleshooting the issue, you could back up the contents of your home directory, and create a new, empty one. That would almost certainly correct the problem.

Regards, Trygve

Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

mv: cannot stat `.dbus': No such file or directory

I got this message but i noticed that a lot of the Ubuntu studio programs were still installed after i went in synaptic and uninstalled them.So i went in to add/remove and found them in there and removed them each and then rebooted. Everything seems to be back to normal, no error message's but with that message from terminal is there still something wrong, shouldn't
i still have that directory, because it says i do not have it.

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Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

If you have a functioning dbus, you shouldn't worry too much. If you want to confirm that it works as intended, run


If it does not display an error message and terminate immediatly (such as Connection Refused), you're probably good.

But have you verified that the directory still does not exist, even after you figured out of your other problems?

Usually, when it comes to dot-directories (such as .dbus) in your home directory, they get rebuilt upon first successful launch of an application which cares. You may start with clean settings, but the core functionality of the application should still remain.

I hope that helps :)

Regards, Trygve

Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

I found the file it says dbus-1 in /etc/dbus-1 if that is the right directory it is there checked file out and it has everything in it.
i checked the contents and stuff is in them.

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Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

It is supposed to be located in your home folder. Remember, all directories and files starting with a . will be hidden in most file browsers as default. I can see from your screenshot that you're using Nautilus. Click View -> Show Hidden Files, and see if you can find it in your home directory now :)

Hope it helps!

Regards, Trygve

Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

looked and did not find it this is the files in order as they appear in my home directory:

/home/david/linux reg button

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Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

Run the following command and see if you find the session-bus folder.

locate session-bus

I also want to ask you: which version of Ubuntu are you running?

Also: did you attempt to run dbus-monitor earlier? Did it terminate with any error messages? If not: Good. Dbus most likely works as it should.

You can also check if your user is running a dbus-daemon by typing:

ps aux | grep [d]bus-daemon | grep david

If the command gives any output, the daemon is probably running and working fine.

If the daemon is working fine, you shouldn't worry too much, unless you actually experience any errors with dbus.

Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

I am using 7.10 gutsy

typed: locate session-bus in terminal noting came up. on dbus monitor it did nothing either no error came up, also ran:

ps aux | grep [d]bus-daemon | grep david- and this came up:

david 5081 0.0 0.2 2904 1100 ? Ss Aug03 0:00 dbus-daemon --fork --print-address 17 --print-pid 19 --session

is it safe to say solved or is there something not right?

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Best Trygve Vea (trygve-vea-gmail) said :

As far as I can tell, everything works as it's supposed to.

If you're still a bit sceptical, I would suggest that you upgrade to current LTS (8.04, hardy). Instructions on how to do that are located at:

The upgrade will upgrade many of the involved components.

I hope this helps :)

Regards, Trygve

Revision history for this message
joshfan (dbyrns) said :

Thanks Trygve Vea, that solved my question.