Problem with Ubuntu install.

Asked by bjohnson

I am trying to get Xp Pro/Ubuntu dual boot to work(XP works fine, except I have to unplug my usb mouse and plug back in for it to work after XP boots up). I have a single 500gB SATA hard drive. I downloaded and burned the installation cd and used it's tool to partition the hard drive during installation.
After completing the installation, I load Ubuntu normally and get to a screen with what looks to be a stork?? background. It asks for my login and password. I log in and the screen only shows that back ground image and a single icon on the desktop representing the cd in the drive. There are no menus/panes. If I click anywhere, it brings up the login box again with a button in the lower corner that has options for shut down, restart, switch modes etc... If I try to enter my login and password again, the screen flashes blank and returns back to the password screen with that button again.
If I just let the login timer time out, the screen also goes blank and goes to the deskop screen with the icon.
Any help would be appreciated.

(ps. system build is Amd Athlon 64 1.8Ghz, 3.00gB Ram, 500GB SATA h/d, ATI Radeon graphics card and motherboard)

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bjohnson (bj-ninetysix) said :

Just to update a little, I used the Windows disc management to erase the Linux partitions. I then reinstalled Ubuntu and have the same problem.
If I get no other advice, I may try downloading and burning Ubuntu and starting over.

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bjohnson (bj-ninetysix) said :

I think I've got if figured out now. I booted up in the recovery mode and used sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg which did not help me upon rebooting. However, I was able to switch to safe graphics GNOME?? and my menu bar showed up. I went to Hardware Drivers and placed a check next to my ATI Accelerated graphics driver. It then installed the driver and after a reboot, everything seems to be working.
Seems to have been a driver issue all along, it's weird though because I selected the Ubuntu download that specifically said for ATI graphics cards and motherboards.

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just thinking (koontz6775) said :

I am new to this world. I downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 and was the given the choice of operating systems Windows XP or Unbuntu so I installed Ubuntu. When the system was up it asked for login and password. Where to I find these so I can get on to the system? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Steve (stupendoussteve-deactivatedaccount) said :

just thinking, the question you posted this in has already been answered. Feel free to post a new question, it is likely to get more traffic.

About user and password, it should ask you to set those within the Ubuntu installer.