Ubuntu 8.04 installation problem

Asked by Cruising

Hello everyone!

As you might guess from the body of the text below, I'm a complete newbie to the Linux world. And how I came to Ubuntu was through wanting to learn how to be a "positive hacker", if you will. Now, I have the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition CD and one install I did on a hp laptop worked without a single problem! And too bad it wasn't my laptop :( So, when it is my laptop's turn (Toshiba, TECRA 8100, PIII, 256 RAM, 881MHZ, 12GB HD) the installation always but always freezes at 15% (detecting file systems) and I'm disappointed. I waited for ten weeks to get my CD from Canonical (I live in Ethiopia) and after the excitement of getting it all in my hands, and even having a system that is working (I have great plans for Ubuntu, I tell you!), it is giving me this problem! I have looked everywhere but I couldn't find a solution: a direct, simple, "fit-for-a-newbie" sort of solution.

I have tried different ways: manual, automatic (default) and nothing seems to work. I even tried a little bit of the nolapic ... sort of commands. But the same thing happens all the time. One thing I've managed to read, though, is that it says the BIOS is too old and force ... is needed. That was what I thought nolapic and other commands would help me achieve. But no luck!

Please help me get my Ubuntu installation going, PLEEEAAASSSE! I have two other laptops, in addition to the TECRA, that I want to put Ubunu on. Please help me on this one and I appreciate the time you will take to demystify my confusion (please use a French accent when reading 'confusion' - I'm learning French and I'm loving it) :)

Please respond ASAP.



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Sam_ (and-sam) said :

minium system requirement is
>384 MB of system memory (RAM)
otherwise considerable is to install Xubuntu or in any case to install with alternate CD.



Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Ubuntu 8.04 some suggestions and tips and check steps to solve install issue

- Minimum system requirements to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements

- if you have more than 4gigabytes of ram and you want run 32 bits Ubuntu release please read:

Download the standard Ubuntu 8.04.1 32 bits iso image from here:
or better using a torrent file:

- Please check the md5sum of your downloaded Ubuntu .iso image file, here the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM howto, and compare with http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/MD5SUMS

- Burn it on a cd rom, be sure to burn your cd at lower speed you can do usually 4x here an howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto

- Please also check the md5sum of your self burned cd. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM

- Boot your pc from self-burned cdrom, if it don't start from cd please modify your pc BIOS settings by accessing to it usually pressing CANC or F2 or other keys (check into your motherboard paper documentation or watch carefully the screen, usually there are tips to access BIOS, when you switch your computer on)

- then to be sure your ram is ok, boot from Ubuntu live cd main menu and at first showed menu, select the item "Memory test" to test your pc ram memory

- Here the steps to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall

- Watch this video that show howto install Ubuntu on a pc with Windows: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Installing_Ubuntu_with_Windows_Dual-Boot

- if something go wrong at startup of Ubuntu live installation when you see the first cd menu like this http://i18.tinypic.com/6tzzndc.jpg pressing F6 you can put useful startup kernel boot parameters as showed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions

Try to perform the "Memory test" and the "Check cd for defects" to be sure the cd is read without errors by the destination pc cdrom driver

- Booting from Ubuntu live install cd:
 * if you are in trouble with screen graphic user interface
   (usually the screen is black with a blinking cursor or screen out of range message):
- first try to dynamically change screen resolution please the press CTRL + ALT + "+" and/or CTRL + ALT + "-"
- Try to restart the graphic layer press CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE
- Here the basic step required during install process http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-8.04-lts-hardy-heron

If you are still in trouble... please reboot your pc and starting with Ubuntu live cd please try to put some common Ubuntu kernel live cd options you can find the boot options howto here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions

Remove the "splash" and "quiet" options to see more boot infos message and/or errors.
Then try some commons parameters by putting them one by one or together:
noacpi nolapic nodma all_generic_ide pnpbios=off pci=noacpi

If this don't work i suggest you to download and burn on a cd at lower speed you can do (4x), here an howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto, the Ubuntu alternate install cd iso image ( ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso ) you can download this cd from here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/

Sometimes is useful to change, if you have 40-pin IDE cable for the CDROM, to an 80-pin IDE cable.

If you are in trouble to download you can try to install and use a torrent client Deluge http://www.deluge-torrent.org/downloads.php to get your desired Ubuntu iso image http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.1/ please select a .torrent file

*** if you are installing in dual boot mode Windows + Ubuntu

Please make sure you Windows partition have no errors on it.

Booting in Windows force an a complete hard disk check.
Then reboot again in Windows and make a clean shutdown.
Be sure to boot in Windows twice and to get a clear Windows shutdown.


Always useful is the online Ubuntu doc https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/

Hope this helps

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