cant change keyboard layout from gnome interface

Asked by Rodrigo Primo

hey, i've installed dapper flight 5 on my sony vaio vgn-fs115b to test it. it has a english keyboard layout, but as i'm from brazil i prefer to set the keyboard as a brazilian one. this is how i notice that if i try to change the keyboard layout from gnome interface not happens. or better, the gnome style changes to a blue one but the keyboard layout did not change :D

seens to me that this is a bug, but as im not sure i prefer to report it here first. i've found a similar bug on breezy on this link i've tried the two .deb solutions mettion there, but it didn't work on dapper (worked for me on breezy on the same machine). can somebody help me?

by the way, been abble to change the keyboard layout will be good to me, but it don't realy fix my problen (fix what is probabily a bug, and this is much better than only fixing mine :D). if i set the keyboard layout on shell to brazilian abnt2 everything works great, except that and don't have any keys corresponding to the / and ? caracters, which are fundamental. and if i set to english, i get all caracters that i need working. but in this case i cant accent any word, and again this is fundamental to me. any ideas on how to fix this? its is easy and possible to edit a keyboard layout map? thanks, rodrigo.

bellow my xorg.conf:

root@caleidoscopio:/home/rodrigo/Desktop# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "Files"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
        FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
        # path to defoma fonts
        FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"

Section "Module"
        Load "i2c"
        Load "bitmap"
        Load "ddc"
        Load "dri"
        Load "extmod"
        Load "freetype"
        Load "glx"
        Load "int10"
        Load "type1"
        Load "vbe"
        Load "synaptics"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver "kbd"
        Option "CoreKeyboard"
        Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
        Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option "XkbLayout" "gb"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Configured Mouse"
        Driver "mouse"
        Option "CorePointer"
        Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Alps Touchpad"
        Driver "synaptics"
        Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
        Option "Device" "/dev/input/event2"
        Option "Protocol" "event"
        Option "LeftEdge" "120"
        Option "RightEdge" "830"
        Option "TopEdge" "120"
        Option "BottomEdge" "650"
        Option "FingerLow" "14"
        Option "FingerHigh" "15"
        Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
        Option "MaxTapMove" "110"
        Option "ClickTime" "0"
        Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
        Option "VertScrollDelta" "10"
        Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
        Option "MinSpeed" "0.45"
        Option "MaxSpeed" "0.75"
        Option "AccelFactor" "0.020"
        Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "200"
        Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "200"
        Option "UpDownScrolling" "1"
        Option "CircularScrolling" "0"
        Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
        Option "CircScrollTrigger" "2"
        Option "SHMConfig" "true"

Section "Device"
        Identifier "Generic Video Card"
        Driver "vesa"
        BusID "PCI:0:2:0"

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier "Generic Monitor"
        Option "DPMS"

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Default Screen"
        Device "Generic Video Card"
        Monitor "Generic Monitor"
        DefaultDepth 24
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 1
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 4
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 8
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 15
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 16
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth 24
                Modes "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier "Default Layout"
        Screen "Default Screen"
        InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
        InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
        InputDevice "Alps Touchpad"

Section "DRI"
        Mode 0666

Question information

English Edit question
Ubuntu Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Simos Xenitellis 
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Simos Xenitellis  (simosx) said :

Thanks Rodrigo for the bug report.
I suppose you use the process described at

I think I noticed a bug in the Brazilian ABNT keyboard layout but I am not sure. For me, with Greek, it works ok.

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Primo (rodrigosprimo) said :

Thank you Simos for your reply, today xkeyboard-config was uptaded to version 0.8-1 on dapper repository, after i've installed this new version everything works just fine :D