network issues (wireless and ethernet) please help!

Asked by endlessness

I have an acer aspire 5920 with dual boot, vista and ubuntu. I installed ubuntu because networking was a problem with vista, going on and off..

now with ubuntu, it detects my network (both lan and wireless), says it connected but I have no response

wireless card is intel wireless wifi link4965AGN
with the wireless I can ping the router and I have response

ethernet is broadcom netlink gigabit ethernet

what tests can I do? im new to linux, seems wonderful but I just wish the internet works

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nzadLithium (cmaster2) said :

Does your router have any wpa or wep key?
Start the terminal (applications<<accessories<<terminal)
Type lsmod | grep b43
does anything show up? (what shows up?)
Type lspci
in that list do you see your network card? show us the line about it :)

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endlessness (sherlockalien) said :

lspci I do see my network card

it says 06:00.0 network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [kedron] network connection (rev61)

btw, I also cant connect with the cable in this house (im in someone else's house)

BUT.. I can connect to a public hotspot nearby with the wireless (no ethernet cable there but I guess it would work too)

so Im guessing either its some incompatibility between my computer's hardware and the house (which I doubt), or it might be some dns/ip sort of thing (or also to do with the wpa key, which is the one being used here. The problem is I cant access the router to change this as its not my house, and its working for everybody else)

I tried copying the dns from another laptop (windows xp) but didnt work.. Is there any generic ip or dns I can try, or any other test I can make?

btw the lsmod l grep b43 code didnt work.. it says: usage: lsmod.. if I just put lsmod many things appear


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endlessness (sherlockalien) said :

oops I accidentally clicked problem solved but its not solved

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endlessness (sherlockalien) said :

btw the wireless router is d-link dl-624

is there anything I can test like ping an address or something to test if its an IP/dns problem? I know that the wireless router responds when pinged... but websites dont

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Rajinder Sandhu, Bangalore (sandy744-breakthru) said :

have you configured ethernet port
system>preferences>network configureation>wired click ifupdown (eth0) and edit MTU to automatic, connect automatically, ipv4 to Automatic (DHCP) or if static ip addresses are provided give as per ISP
That should solve the problem

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path1 (patamar631) said :

im a little confused 1 have the same computer and wireless modem ive installed nbuntu latest release and have had no sucess getting the wireless up and going have wired connect going do not know how to update

any help would be great

thank you

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