How to Install Ubuntu?

Asked by the_webninja

Intro for Ubuntu states "Is Ubuntu easy to install?
Ubuntu has a fast and easy graphical installer right on the Desktop CD, which is also a Live CD. On a typical computer, the Ubuntu installation should take less than 25 minutes."
That is an Out an Out LIE!
I am a PC Tech, and I have been working on trying to install this for at least two hours already, and I STILL can't get it to work right. How can you possibly expect the average person to Break through the ISO Wall if an Experienced PC Tech can't do it?
For as many people that are working on Linux OS I would have thought SOMEONE would have come up with a better Installation plan than this. It's not like I am the only one having difficulties. HOURLY I see posts of people having installation Problems. Which Proves there is a Problem with the Installation Plan. If you really want people to start USING Linux then you first need to develop an easier way for them to INSTALL Linux.
If your Introduction to Linux includes multitudes of problems just getting it installed on the Computer, not too many people are going to be interested in making the Switch.
My Problem is first of all, was the "Infra Recorder" didn't copy the files properly it just copied the ISO file which is not an installation file so the computer doesn't know what to do with it. Secondly when I finally got it to record the files so the Computer would actually boot from it, the computer started the Installation Process, then just stalled for no apparent reason, no error code or anything, just stopped doing anything. Checking the disk did not prove anything. It just frustrates me to think that there are so many people who worked on this and no one thought about the Installation Procedures? Common Guys! THINK!

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Kristian Rink (kawazu) said :

No offense, but: What's your actual question? Is the fact that you're stuck burning the ISO the only thing keeping you from installing Ubuntu so far? If so, please have a look at which, asides other things, also outlines how to write an ISO image to a medium using InfraRecorder (in your case it obviously created a new filesystem and copied the ISO as a file inside rather than writing the ISO directly which renders the whole thing unbootable). Good luck on that. :)

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Kristian Rink (kawazu) said :

Ahh sorry I should have read it to the bottom before posting, so seems I missed half the question. About the computer stalling at some point: Coud you elaborate what kind of hardware you're trying to install Ubuntu to? As many details as possible will prove helpful here I think. Of course, a lot of work has been put into the Ubuntu installer and the GNU/Linux kernel these days is pretty good at supporting a wide range of hardware but there still then and now also are components not likely to work well with any other system than some Windows variant... :(


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Ariel Cabral (acabral1961) said :

Did you try booting from your LiveCD?, if you can't boot from CD (because your iso image was faulty) you can't install it (or are you trying to install from windows?)
If you're a PC Tech and you don't know what to do with an iso image then you are going to have serious job problems.
There is simple and takes no more than 30 minutes to get fully installed and working with all the applications that you need for an office environment, My son did it on his first try without my help and he is not a PC Tech.

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fridgebadger (johnhindmarch) said :

I think I'm having the same problem - my CD booted fine, and I got the Ubuntu menu and selected install. It seemed to work fine for a while and now it's just stopped with a blank screen and a cursor flashing in the top left.

I'm trying to get it on an ancient laptop, and did have a message saying something like my Bios was 1999 which didn't match the cut-off date (2000), but after that flashed up it seemed to progress fine.

The machine is a Compaq Prosignia 150, which has either an AMD K6-2 475/95 MHz Processor A2475/14/6/V/M/2 or an
AMD K6-2 433/96 MHz Processor A2433/14/4/D/M/2

I'm clearly not a pc professional, merely an (in)competent amateur...

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the_webninja (the-webninja) said :

I solved my Installation Problems, by downloading the file from a different site then Burning a completely new disk following the guide for Infra Recorder exactly, the first two times I burned the CD it didn't work, but mysteriously the Third time I tried it, it worked. The First time it just Burned a plain ISO Image, which Doesn't work at all. The Second time it copied all the files right, but for some reason it just stalled in the installation Process. The Third time it worked. Oh, one bit of advice I might give you guys if you are installing Ubuntu, is when the Keyboard Language Option comes up, make sure you keep it USA (the one on the Top) cause if you pick one of the other ones the letters on your Keyboard will get all messed up.
Then I went in search of Anti-Virus Programs and couldn't find very much. Oh AVG apparently has a Scanner, but it will not REMOVE the Viruses. I finally found one called avasta home which installed okay, running it might pose as a whole nother challenge. Another point to Consider is the Installation Program warns "The Installation Process is UNDOABLE!" Meaning this is a One Way Trip Folks, if you get into this and you don't like it, you probably will have a Whole nother mess on your hands.

From what I understand installing and running many programs is a Challenge, many are run from Command line Functions.
So if you are not into that, you might want to think twice. The Trick I used to get through the ISO WALL is to Select From the ACTIONS Menu at the Top of the Infra Recorder, (If you don't have that Program you need to down load it first) Then Select Burn Image. The Program should copy the Files to the CD in the right way. If it doesn't do it, Download from a different site and try it again until it works.

I also used the Hash Mark Checker Program, but all the files I downloaded checked out okay, and some of them STILL didn't burn right, so the Hash Mark Checker really didn't do all that much.

Once you get everything installed the Internet looks pretty much the Same, but the System is like Visiting another Planet! :)
Have fun.

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fg dfg (dakiiey43) said :

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