lost sound ubuntu8-10 linux

Asked by brianm

Recent installation ofUubuntu 8-10 with sound icon displayed with sound functioning when veiwing internet sites and on receipt of new mail. Now have red X on speaker. Right click says "No GSteamer plug ins and/or devices found." So many variations of GStreamer found but afraid to choose not being conversant with technical language. Recently been tapping info into a Terminal to try to get printer working but without success- failure since. Coincidence? Removings peaker lead from pc makes crackling noise. Keep any answers in plain English please. Thanks brianm

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A. Denton (aquina) said :

No, brianm it's no coincidence since these are totally ifferent packages.

To install all packets required for "your sound experience" you should have first consuulted you local help instead of asking such a question in here. ;-)

Try the following:

1] sudo apt-get update
2] sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras

To install some extra codecs try
3] sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-plugins ffmpeg lame faad sox mjpegtools gxineplugin flashplugin-nonfree

Have Fun!

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Best NvBigBee (nvbigbee-deactivatedaccount) said :

try this web site -
Ubuntu "Help"


it helped me with my problem

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brianm (briandpat) said :

Hi NvBig Bee, you guys are so enthusiastic with advice. I am so new to
Linux and greatly appreciate your help. Your advice has given me a new
avenue to sorting problems,
One starting problem with the advice :- from the terminal when I get to
the word "sudo" ,I assume this is meant to be replaced with my password
for entry to the desktop. It does not recognise it so I can't continue.
Am I being stupid?. I suspect the sound card is the cause, as a similar
thing happened when I was running XP. I think The driver was lost that
time. Thanks Brian.

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brianm (briandpat) said :

Hi Aquina, I was unaware that Launchpad was forbidden territory. I am
new to Linux and no Geek, who turned to Linux in desperation with
Windows XP. I am absolutely delighted with my new experience except when
something goes wrong and then finding the right place for help becomes
frustrating. You good people have been most helpful but simple things
like "sudo" creates stumbling blocks for me.I will check out your advice
but won't trouble Launchpad again. Many Thanks brianm

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brianm (briandpat) said :

Aquina , the following message received at Terminal after entering
suggested commands. "unable to lock administration directory
(var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it? Any suggestions.
 Gratefully brianm

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susanw (susanw) said :


In specific response to your 'sudo' question. No, don't replace 'sudo' with your 'username', it is a command that lets you perform changes to the computer that require your password. After you have typed your command, with 'sudo ' preceding it and pressed enter, the computer will then ask you for your password. Your username is not needed at any point here.

This appears to be a specific forum for reporting bugs. I think http://ubuntuforums.org/ would be a more friendly place for general and specific questions and know how. It has a newbie section as well as specific forums for topics like multimedia, wifi etc.


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brianm (briandpat) said :

Thanks NvBigBee, that solved my question.