no sound after upgrade to 9.04 2 soundcards. both dont work

Asked by unixchaos

this seems to ever be my issue with ubuntu. after every distro upgrade no sound. i have onboard sound that stopped working so i went and bought a sound card. in 8.10 it worked perfect in 9.04 not so perfect. i got some sound working but it only plays local sound (sound that is on the computer) in SYSTEM-->PREFERENCES-->SOUND i try the test under all the possible configurations and none of them work. on teh previous distro i used

Sound Playback: ICEnsemble ICE1724 IEC1724 IEC958 (ALSA)

Default Mixer Tracks
DEVICE: ICEnsemble ICE1724 - ICE1724 (PulseAudio Mixer)

programs as far as amarok or VLC work now if i keep ICEnsemble ICE1724 (ALSA mixer) set in volume control

i have no playblack via web at all. so not pandora or youtube and it sucks downloading ever youtube video just to hear it.

01:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel AudioController (rev 01)

so just to sum everything up sound works on the computer only if the file is local sound dosnt work if its being pulled from internet.

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unixchaos (jza873) said :

**UPDATE playblack does nto work under alsa it work under the Open Sound System OSS but it still only works for local files

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Jeff Rasmussen (jeffrasmussen) said :

Try making sure ALSA isn't muted. Use the alsamixer tool to verify all channels are unmuted.

You should see a 'MM' or a 'OO' at the bottom of each channel. 'MM' means that both left and right channels are muted and 'OO' means that both right and left channels are open.

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unixchaos (jza873) said :

i did that all ready ran alsamixer and i used M to unmute every channel

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unixchaos (jza873) said :

ok i fixed this issue thanks to endless screwing with it. ill explain just incase any one has this issue. first i went to system-->preferences--> sound changed everything to pulse audio, changed my mixer to ICEnsemble 1724 alsa
then i loaded the pulse audio sound server. opened volume control and changed everythhing to use ICEnsemble 1724 as default by click the dropdown arrop next to the shield. and i hit play in music got music and video sound and had my speakers all teh way up opened youtube and scared my self half to death.

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ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

What are the exact steps to "load the pulse audio server". I googled around and thought that modifying /etc/default/pulseaudio and changing PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 (from 0) and then stopping then starting the service via the commands /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop & /etc/init.d/pulseaudio would solve my problem of not hearing sound on Youtube.

YouTube stated working after I performed the above steps, but then all system sounds (like when I log in) and DVD sound stopped working. Also, any selections on the PulseAudio Applet gave me errors.

I have one sound card and I just upgraded to 9.04. In 8.10 all audio worked great.


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ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

Sorry, I feft off the question mark from my last post: What are the steps to "load the pulse audio server"?


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unixchaos (jza873) said :

hay scott what you need to do is install the applet.

sudo apt-get install padevchooser

then after its installed it needs to be ran

alt+f2 then type in padevchooser and press enter

you will see it apear in the taskbar as an icon
left click on it and choose preferences and then check the box for start applet on session login.

now you need to clikc on it again and choose volume control and then you can follow my step above let me know if that helps

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ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

Thanks unixchaos for working with me.

I haven't been able to get things working.

Under Sound, Devices tab I have:

3 capture selections and
HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer)
Playback: HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog (PulseAudio Mixer)
Playback: Simultaneous output to HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog (PulseAudio Mixer)
Realtek ALC882 (OSS Mixer)

Regardless of which of the 4 I select above, the only selection that shows up in the Output Devices tab under Volume Control with the Hardware Output devices selected is
HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog

Under the Input Devices with Hardware Input Devices selected, I only see
HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog

It seems strange to me that none of the other 3 show up in either of these 2 tabs.



Revision history for this message
ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

con't from last post:

When I change the Default Mixer Tracks to one of the above 7, I would expect to see that in the Output Devices tab of Volume Control. In every case only HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog shows up. Unless I am not understanding something, this seems broke to me.

Do you agree?


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unixchaos (jza873) said :

hay scott are you online if so im on
AIM: jza873
Jabber: <email address hidden>
Skype: jza873
IRC: jza873
     room: #unixchaos

Revision history for this message
unixchaos (jza873) said :

hay scott are you online if so im on
AIM: jza873
Jabber: <email address hidden>
Skype: jza873
IRC: jza873
     room: #unixchaos

message me on there so i can have you works with me on real time

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Scott Kaplan <
<email address hidden>> wrote:

> Your question #68518 on Ubuntu changed:
> Scott Kaplan posted a new comment:
> con't from last post:
> When I change the Default Mixer Tracks to one of the above 7, I would
> expect to see that in the Output Devices tab of Volume Control. In
> every case only HDA Intel - ALC883 Analog shows up. Unless I am not
> understanding something, this seems broke to me.
> Do you agree?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a direct
> subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

I won't have a chance to be in front of my system until later this evening. I will try you then.

Thanks unixchaos.

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ubuntu_user (ubuntu.user) said :

I had two problems which I solved. Both problems didn't exist in 8.10. The problems first showed up and persisted when I upgraded to 9.04

Problem 1) Desktop #1 (32 bit Pentium D) had no sound while watching YouTube videos. All system sound, sound from DVD and sound from Rythmbox worked during this time. Also during this time, I noticed that when Firefox played one complete video on YouTube or when I tried to switch to another video while the original was playing - Firefox would crash and a 'Force Quit' was necessary. Again, this playing of video was without sound.

Problem 2) Desktop #2 (64 bit AMD Quad Core) could not play a video on YouTube. During this time, I could play a DVD no problem.

I think I read on a site somewhere that Flash could not automatically be reinstalled because of rules governing the fact that it's not open source. In other words, I don't think Canonical is allowed to uninstall and then reinstall during an upgrade. If Canonical could, then I wouldn't have ever seen the above problems. However, the user is allowed to uninstall and reinstall. So, I typed the following two commands below and it fixed the above problems perfectly:

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree
$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree

Revision history for this message
djuhdie (djuhdie) said :

thanks u very much to everybody who help me , now my Jaunty can play all audio files, my configure on sound tab is :
Sound Event : Autodetect
Sound Pyaback : Autodetect
Audio conferencing : Pulseaaudio sound server
Default Mixer Tracks


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rkbleck (rkbleck) said :

Ditto and what DJ said - you guys rock! I have been trying for days to get the sound working. The instructions for loading the pulse audio server" were perfect!

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Spongeblip (kes-reid) said :

help.. it still doesnt work.. why me mamma? whyyyyyyyyy? lol

no seriously, can anyone help me sil vous plait? merci in advance.

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :


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