Install Xubuntu on IBM ThinkPad 765D


Hi Guys.. I'm new to Ubuntu and Xubuntu.. that being said, I have an ancient IBM ThinkPad 765D here which currently has Windows 95 on it and I'm trying to install Xubuntu. I burned my image, and Win 95 sees the CD.. From what I've read, you're supposed to get the laptop to boot from the Xubuntu CD-ROM I burned. So I push F1 on the IBM and I get the BIOS configuration, and I go to the Start up menu, but do not see the CD-ROM available as a drive to select... I see FDD1 - 4 and HDD 1-4, a Network option and a PCMCIA option. Am I supposed to see the CD-ROM drive as well? Or is the CD-ROM 'hidden' under one of the HDD drive #s?

Otherwise, I'm not sure how to get Xubuntu to launch/install.. I tried to click on the .EXE file on the CD-ROM but Windows 95 just spins the CD and then stops, no magical 'im installing' windows show up..



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arielg (goldblattster) said :

How much RAM and free hard disk space does your computer have?

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arielg (goldblattster) said :

I can tell you this:
Xubuntu runs on computers with a minimum of 128+ mb ram, however you're experience will be very limited. If is *recommended* that you have at least 256+ mb to use Xubuntu, althoug not required. You need at least 1.5 gb of free hard disk space to install Xubuntu.
Also, the .EXE file on the Xubuntu disk is probably Wubi, not the Xubuntu installation wizard. You need to boot from the cd for the installation wizard. Wubi lets you "install" a persistent version of Xubuntu on your computer with ruining windows, but I don't think you could carry out a feat with a computer that age. Please confirm you have at least 128 mb ram and at least 1.5 gb of free hard drive space, and then me (and probably someone else) will venture into other stuff.

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TAKAFOOMI (dstark) said :

Thanks for the response.. the machine has 32MB's of RAM and 2.59 GB's free on the the hard drive. You're right in that the executable I see is Wubi. But based on what you're telling me I need more RAM or I'm dead in the water straight out of the gate.. Is there an even lighter version of Ubantu? I seem to recall somethign being out there..

The machine would be used by my 6 year old.. so I don't need industrial strength, just 'working'.


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unixchaos (jza873) said :

you can try a diffrent distro of linux also get a boot disk. an old windows 98 boot disk will allow you to boot the cdrom drivers so it can boot the cd. you may want to check out slackware because the system requirements are low also debian is great because low requirements and it still functions liek ubuntu ie: apt.

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TAKAFOOMI (dstark) said :

Thanks guys for your advice.. I'll see what I can do to reincarnate my old ThinkPad :) or I'll find another PC to play with instead.

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arielg (goldblattster) said :

You are very welcome :-)