Questions for adobe-flashplugin in Ubuntu

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 116166 adobe flash plugins crashes 2010-06-29 22:09:45 UTC sun_tzu Solved
Solved 114230 64-bit package for Flash 10.1? 2010-06-11 01:38:52 UTC Pete Stephenson Solved
Answered 111067 Flash Player not working on 9.10 2010-05-14 22:50:21 UTC Jake Weaver Answered
Solved 109903 E: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. 2010-05-06 12:34:11 UTC Balhal Solved
Solved 94224 version of Flash Player 10 Ubuntu 8.04 2009-12-15 23:30:08 UTC Jennifer Solved
Answered 93535 Files deleted after installing adobe flash 10 on AMD 64 Ubuntu 8.10 2009-12-10 02:15:46 UTC Ian22 Answered
Answered 90127 Flash wont install in 9.1 2009-11-14 11:26:22 UTC Batflyer Answered
Solved 87998 adobe reinstall - cannot find archive 2009-11-01 23:59:25 UTC Catriona Rooney Solved
Answered 87969 How to make flash work on a 64 bit Ubuntu do i need to downgrade 64 bit to 32 bit? 2009-11-01 21:35:53 UTC Will Shank Answered
Solved 82072 flash nightmare now cant get permissions 2009-09-06 22:20:58 UTC rgbargee Solved
Solved 81648 Problems with adobe flash player on Karmic 64 bit 2009-09-01 23:09:44 UTC Anton¡o Sch¡fano Solved
Solved 80820 Ubuntu Flash install... HELP!! :-) 2009-08-24 13:49:36 UTC Diane Solved
Solved 78133 can get opera to work with flash player 10 2009-07-26 05:39:30 UTC alfaroce Solved
Answered 77409 Flash install on 64bit didn't work 2009-07-17 12:51:00 UTC JazMac Answered
Solved 76731 Flash/Firefox Regression? 2009-07-12 02:27:33 UTC Derek White Solved
Solved 73397 can't watch hulu. flash player does not work. 2009-06-05 23:31:32 UTC ngodfather114 Solved
Solved 72954 How do I un-install Flash 64bit Astro when it was manually installed 2009-06-01 23:45:36 UTC jrm453 Solved
Solved 72851 Is there any version of linux that will play flash with transparency? Yes there is using Flash 10 64bit Astro 2009-06-01 03:54:17 UTC jrm453 Solved
Answered 63139 have advertisements come up 2009-03-05 08:21:20 UTC Susan Answered
Solved 62564 Flash wont work after adding mediabuntu repository 2009-02-28 00:17:21 UTC AndreasDavour Solved
Solved 62240 64bit Adobe Flash player install 2009-02-25 03:23:35 UTC WacoJohn Solved
Answered 59664 adobe flash player not working w/ 8.04 2009-02-02 22:46:34 UTC Donald Answered
Solved 59445 video not working 2009-02-01 09:07:07 UTC fation_linuX Solved
Solved 58797 getting adobe flash installed on linux 2009-01-26 19:26:35 UTC Alison Dieter Solved
Answered 54046 problems intalling adobe flash player 2008-12-10 14:35:52 UTC jordien Answered
Answered 54907 Mozilla add0n will not install 2008-10-28 08:21:08 UTC joenearns Answered
Solved 20834 Is there a way to get flash installed for firefox 3.0 on a 64 bit install of Gutsy? 2007-12-28 05:47:02 UTC Jim Hutchinson Solved
101127 of 127 results

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