Do Smart PlayLists work with Podcasts programs?

Asked by voltaire

When setting up a Smart Playlist with selection criteria matching existing (pre-downloaded) podcast, the playlist remains empty.

Apparently the Smart Playlists were only designed for items found inside the Collection. Downloaded podcasts are not part of the collection and the directory in which they reside (.kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts) cannot be added to the collection because it's a "dot" directory...

(my goal is to setup a single Smart Playlist with all the most recent podcasts I downloaded, I want this list to sort them from the most recent to the least).


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Harald Sitter (apachelogger) said :

Well, yes, the design only expects collection parts to be part of smart playlists.
The only solution I can think of:
Link the .kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts to a non "dotted" path (in fact, I think you can define the storage location somewhere in the podcast setup in Amarok).
* Open to file browser windows
* in one navigate to the amarok folder (which contains the podcast folder)
* in the other navigate to a folder which is part of Amarok's collection setup (e.g. /home/user/Music)
* now the tricky part begins - drag the podcasts folder from it's current locaten, press Ctrl+Shift and drag the podcast folder in the one for Amarok (i.e. the 2nd one in the example above).
... please note that some file browsers will show a popup with possible actions if you just drop the folder without Ctrl+Shift, but even more support the Ctrl+Shift combo for creating a link :)

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