how to convert to mp3 on transfer to media player

Asked by daVe

the option is there under the config for the player:

other formats will be converted to: mp3

however! when i transfer my oggs to the media player, amarok simply returns a 'tracks not playable on media device' error. am i missing an encoder or something?


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trylik (marek-nasionka) said :

i'm using this:

soundkonverter (installed with synaptic)
+ amarok plugin
+ many encoders, decoders and other stuff (wavpack, mac, flac, faad, mplayer and others)

now whenever i wan't to transfer files to my portable mp3 player i only click on selected track and select 'convert" and as output i have mp3 by default (can be others as well) from that moment i have mp3 on my harddrive that can be transferred diretcly to mp3 player

if you'll have some problems with it don't hesitate to ask :)

Revision history for this message
Milan Knizek (knizek) said :

daVe: Did you solve the problem? I have similar troubles and do not want to use another program outside of Amarok.

Revision history for this message
Milan Knizek (knizek) said :

Oops, I did not get the point that after installation of soundkonverter one must also enable it in Amarok /Tools/Script manager and also install libqt0-ruby1.8...

Then things worked fine.

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johannes (j00hannes) said :

there is no script named soundconverter in the list of available scripts.

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Tristan Helmich (tristan-helmich) said :

you have to restart amarok after installing soundkonverter to be able to see it in the script manager

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Petr Pulc (petrpulc) said :

ok, i see soundkonverter in script manager, but in 'General' group, so Amarok cannot use it as Transcoder...
Anyone can help?

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Andrew (andrewkvalheim) said :

A year later and still this feature of Amarok doesn't work?

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Harald Sitter (apachelogger) said :

Install Amarok
Install Soundkonverter
Works like a charm

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Evgeny Kuznetsov (nekr0z) said :

Seems to be broken in Intrepid: Amarok installed, SoundKonverter installed, script running, but no conversion on transferring files. Amarok says it's starting SoundKonverter in background, and something really blinks for a nanosecond or so, but then Amarok just keeps waiting for SoundKonverter to do its job, and waits forever, because SoundKonverter appears not to be running and cannot be found through ps ax.

Yes, it worked allright in Hardy.

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Alisdair Tullo (alisdair) said :

Company: Warm Front Inc.
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Revision history for this message
James Cuzella (trinitronx) said :

The package amarok-soundkonverter is *VERY* broken in Intrepid.

I have found that making a symlink in /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts that points to /usr/share/apps/soundkonverter/amarokscript/ allows amarok to find the script.

However, there are other problems too...

First, the soundKonverter.rb script wasn't working out of the package. See this bug:

Second, there's no .spec file to tell amarok that it can use the script to transcode.

Here's a hackish way to fix those problems in order:

# Create symlink for amarok to find the script
sudo ln -s /usr/share/apps/amarok/scripts/soundkonverter /usr/share/apps/soundkonverter/amarokscript/
cd /usr/share/apps/soundkonverter/amarokscript/
# Replace bad script
rm soundKonverter.rb
# Create spec file
sudo gedit soundKonverter.spec

Now paste this into the .spec file:
-----------------START CUTTING HERE-----------------
name = SoundKonverter
type = transcode

target_formats = mp3 ogg flac m4a mp4 wav
-----------------STOP CUTTING HERE-----------------

Save that file. Now if you wish you can also get the transcode job to not use the "Very low" setting by creating a file named "config" in that directory too.

That file should contain one of the following settings on a single line:


# EXAMPLE: set transcoding option to Very_high
cd /usr/share/apps/soundkonverter/amarokscript/
echo 'Very_high' > config

Ideally this should be fixed in the package itself, but this should get it working.

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hsg (hsg) said :


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Best regards!

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Lasse Fister (commander) said :


We are looking for employees working remotely.

My name is Kim, I am the personnel manager of a large International company.
Most of the work you can do from home, that is, at a distance.

Salary is $2700-$5500.

If you are interested in this offer, please visit
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Have a nice day!

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