
Asked by Janine

Hi has anyone used DVDStyler 1.7.2?

I've read through the manual but can't get started.
When I click on 'file browser' then navigate to the folder where my video clips are no video icons appear in the centre panel where I should be able to select them (then drag and drop into the time line).

If I navigate instead to a folder of photos all the icons appear, but I want to make a DVD of video clips not photos.
This makes me think that perhaps my video clips are in the wrong format. They are OGG (ogg theora video, made using pitivi video editor) and from what I can see in the user manual for DVDStyler OGG is a supported format that should work.

Is ogg supported my dvdstyler? If not then could you tell me what files are supported or what type you have successfully used, and is there a way I can convert my ogg files to a format that dvdstyler can recognise?

I've come here for help as I started a thread under dvdstyler help in sourceforge a week ago and haven't had a response yet where as the ubuntu pages are usually very active with helpful people :-)

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Janine (redreactions) said :

As no one has been able to help me so far I have been trying to find a solution to this problem.
Now two things:

1. I used k9copy to create MPEG film clips. K9copy crashes every time, gets a fatal error, so I can not manage to get my full film in MPEG format. But I now have a few MPEG video files which show up in the centre panel so can see that this format will work. Can anyone suggest another way to rip my DVD onto computer as MPEG so I can finally get started with DVDStyler?

2. I looked again at the formats supported by DVDStyler. One of them is AVI. I have made a couple of AVI film clips (using pitivi) but these also don't show in the centre panel so again I have nothing to drag into the time line.

I don't understand why the formats listed like AVI or OGG, which I have, don't show up in the panel.

Can anyone direct me to a tutorial which can guide me from DVD through ripping through edit to authoring?
(so far I've used thoggen which didn't give me the best quality as it created a few jumps in the film, and k9 which never manages to do the whole job before crashing. Pitivi is ok for editing but I don't know what format to render clips in so I can bring them into dvdstyler)

Can anyone suggest which files I ought to be creating and how to create them from my DVD so that I can use DVDStyler?

BTW I'm using Jaunty.


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Janine (redreactions) said :

OK - here's the good news - I don't even know what made me try it, but simply changing the name of my ogg film clips (right click on the file and use 'rename') to '.mpg' worked!
for example:

'film clip1'
'film clip1.mpg'

as soon as I did that the file showed up in DVDStyler as a recognisable file.
Wish I'd known this a few weeks back as it seems SO easy now! What secret Ubuntu hocus pocus is going on behind the scenes that allows me to change a file format by just changing it's name? I don't know, but glad that I've found a solution to the problem.

The other hitches in my problem (that thoggen didn't give me a clean copy and a few parts of my film stalls and jumps, K9copy can't copy the whole film without crashing) are a separate issue, not resolved, but this isn't the place to resolve them. I'll open another question if I can't find a satisfying solution.

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pepo.k (vinexas) said :


I have had similar porblem. In the source folder were no mpg files to select.
After couple days I have tryied just to rename the files, errr ..., no filename, but extension was written with uppercase. Renaming just extension to lowercase has helped and I can now select the files...
I hope you will find solution to your problem.
Let us now ...
