
Asked by hammy

I know I need a flash player to view the bbc iplayer but which one from a drop down menue i have 4 to choose from but I don't which one, cheers for any help.

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Jon Farmer (viperdudeuk) said :


Open up a terminal and type

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

This will install flash for you, then open up firefox and iplayer away.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

sorry haven't a clue what u meant there

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Luke Jennings (ubuntujenkins) said :

Please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats. Towards the bottom there is a command that needs to be typed into the terminal which can be found by going Applications > Accessories > Terminal.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

Found out how to open a terminal, but after following the link got totally confused. Basically I think I can't load flashplayer is that right???

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Luke Jennings (ubuntujenkins) said :

basically type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and that will install flash player and all the restricted code-cs that you might need. I will just draw you attention to the legal note on the page of the link

Legal Notice Patent and copyright laws operate differently depending on which country you are in. Please obtain legal advice if you are unsure whether a particular patent or restriction applies to a media format you wish to use in your country.

Please see the link previously posted for more information.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

did it and the reply was E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras

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Luke Jennings (ubuntujenkins) said :

If you go to system > administration > software sources and then check that the "multi-verse" repository is ticked.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

Looked its already checked, where do I go now, have you any ideas???

So far you have been very helpful, cheers for that.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

heck it looks like I can't even get win rar to install tried it by opening a tablet then typing in sudo apt-get install unrar but without much luck again.

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Luke Jennings (ubuntujenkins) said :

Your software sources should look like this http://imagebin.org/71710 adjust it if it doesn't. Try going System > administration > synaptic package manager input your password when prompted then click "reload" then in the search box search for restricted and you should see ubuntu-restricted-extras double click it then click the green "apply" tick.

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

Many thanks, it has worked..................but guess what I don't seem to have any sound so going to look and see why, if I don't have much luck can I trouble you please?

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hammy (graham-johnston) said :

Sorted now my friend, with regards to the sound I'll tell you what I did just in case some body might have ran into the same problem.

Went and clicked on System, from the menu that appeared I choose preferences then sound, a window popped open which was obviously sound preferences, from there I saw sound out to the far right there was a box that was checked saying mute, so clever auld me then decided that maybe if I unchecked it then it might work, guess what hey presto it did. So in a way I eventually sorted something out myself, how clever am I?????

Once again many thanks for all your help, you have a good one.

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Luke Jennings (ubuntujenkins) said :

No problem Hammy glad we sorted it out.