(<unknown>:2809): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

Asked by W Craig

When I run firefox in the terminal I keep getting this message when it hangs. What does it mean?

Question information

English Edit question
Needs information
Ubuntu firefox Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :


Seems to be an issue in gtk+-2.16.5

Can you give the output of:

gedit ~/.xsession-errors


Revision history for this message
W Craig (w-craig2005) said :

Requested information is attached. Hope it helps, as the problem has been going on far too long. I can hardly use Firefox when it gets really bad.


/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
Setting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US.
Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default.
** (<unknown>:1406): DEBUG: Client registered with session manager: /org/gnome/SessionManager/Client3

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1444): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type `_PolkitError'

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1444): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** (nm-applet:1435): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
Initializing nautilus-gdu extension

(nautilus:1441): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Fatal: Software rendering detected.
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
/usr/bin/compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory
Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.

E: pid.c: Daemon already running.
E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/BitTornado/__init__.py:8: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
  from sha import sha
gnome-session[1360]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'gnome-user-share.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gnome-user-share/gnome-user-share" (No such file or directory)
/usr/share/computerjanitor/computerjanitorapp/gtk/ui.py:94: GtkWarning: Could not load image 'computerjanitor-24x24.png': Failed to open file '/usr/share/computer-janitor/computerjanitor-24x24.png': No such file or directory
ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on :1.49:/: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.47" (uid=1000 pid=1626 comm="/usr/bin/python) interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" member="Introspect" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.49" (uid=0 pid=1628 comm="/usr/bin/python))
** (update-notifier:1630): DEBUG: aptdaemon on bus: 0
** (update-notifier:1630): DEBUG: Skipping reboot required
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/BitTornado/__init__.py:8: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
  from sha import sha
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/BitTornado/__init__.py:8: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
  from sha import sha


I also enclose a copy of my terminal data (I have to run firefox in the terminal for it to work)

bill@opie-laptop:~$ firefox
No bp log location saved, using default.
[000:163] Browser XEmbed support present: 1
[000:163] Browser toolkit is Gtk2.
[000:163] Using Gtk2 toolkit
[000:290] Warning(clientchannel.cc:583): Unreadable or no port file.  Could not initiate GoogleTalkPlugin connection
[000:291] Warning(clientchannel.cc:439): Could not initiate GoogleTalkPlugin connection
[000:291] Warning(clientchannel.cc:553): Failed to get GoogleTalkPlugin path. Trying default.
[000:324] Started GoogleTalkPlugin, path=/opt/google/talkplugin/GoogleTalkPlugin
[000:324] Waiting for GoogleTalkPlugin to start...
[003:799] Read port file, port=35960
[003:801] Initiated connection to GoogleTalkPlugin
[004:128] Socket connection established
[004:128] ScheduleOnlineCheck: Online check in 5000ms
[005:617] Got cookie response, socket is authorized
[005:617] AUTHORIZED; socket handshake complete
[009:173] HandleOnlineCheck: Starting check
[009:174] HandleOnlineCheck: OK; current state: 3
[212:252] Error(scriptinterface.cc:295): Passed a non-object for onmessasge_callback

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
NPP_New called
Using player backend of ''
DBUS connection created
Listening to path /control/22707
ARG: loop = false
ARG: src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
ARG: hidden = true
ARG: autostart = false
New Stream Requested - http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Entering destroy stream reason = 0 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
in Destroy Stream
Entering list_parse_qt localsize = 16256
unable to find rmda in /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeripykva.mid
Entering list_parse_qt2 localsize = 16256
unable to find mmdr in /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeripykva.mid
Entering list_parse_asx localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeripykva.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_asx
Entering list_parse_qml localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeripykva.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_qml
Entering list_parse_ram localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayeripykva.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_ram
URL Notify url = 'http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid'
reason = 0
New Stream Requested - http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
item is NULL for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
item is null
stream url http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Entering destroy stream reason = 1 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Exiting destroy stream reason = 1 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
media size = 0 x 0
media size = 0 x 0
NPP_New called
Using player backend of ''
DBUS connection created
Listening to path /control/1735
ARG: src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
ARG: loop = false
ARG: autostart = true
ARG: hidden = true
New Stream Requested - http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Entering destroy stream reason = 0 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
in Destroy Stream
Entering list_parse_qt localsize = 16256
unable to find rmda in /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerdtfcuw.mid
Entering list_parse_qt2 localsize = 16256
unable to find mmdr in /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerdtfcuw.mid
Entering list_parse_asx localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerdtfcuw.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_asx
Entering list_parse_qml localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerdtfcuw.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_qml
Entering list_parse_ram localsize = 16256
src = http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
local = /home/bill/.cache/gnome-mplayer/plugin/gecko-mediaplayerdtfcuw.mid
id = 1
hrefid = 0
play = 1
path =
controlid = 0
playerready = 0
newwindow = 0
cancelled = 0
streaming = 0
loop = 0
loopcount = 0
Exiting list_parse_ram
URL Notify url = 'http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid'
reason = 0
New Stream Requested - http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
item is NULL for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
item is null
stream url http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Entering destroy stream reason = 1 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
Exiting destroy stream reason = 1 for http://dingo.care2.com/cards/sounds/00333.mid
media size = 0 x 0
media size = 0 x 0
media size = 0 x 0

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:1950): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

###!!! [Parent][RPCChannel] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv

(<unknown>:2403): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:2403): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:2403): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(<unknown>:2403): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

--- actionparsnip <email address hidden> schrieb am Mi, 10.11.2010:

Von: actionparsnip <email address hidden>
Betreff: Re: [Question #133453]: (<unknown>:2809): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
An: <email address hidden>
Datum: Mittwoch, 10. November, 2010 14:25 Uhr

Your question #133453 on gnome-terminal in ubuntu changed:

    Status: Open => Needs information

actionparsnip requested for more information:

Seems to be an issue in gtk+-2.16.5

Can you give the output of:

gedit ~/.xsession-errors


To answer this request for more information, you can either reply to
this email or enter your reply at the following page:

You received this question notification because you are a direct
subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
Sam_ (and-sam) said :

Known Bug.

Revision history for this message
W Craig (w-craig2005) said :

It may be a known bug to you, but that doesn't tell me how to solve the problem that neither firefox nor google chrome work properly. My system often comes to a complete standstill, playing videos can result in the browser hanging. . .

--- Sam <email address hidden> schrieb am Do, 11.11.2010:

Von: Sam <email address hidden>
Betreff: Re: [Question #133453]: (<unknown>:2809): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
An: <email address hidden>
Datum: Donnerstag, 11. November, 2010 00:01 Uhr

Your question #133453 on gnome-terminal in ubuntu changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Sam proposed the following answer:
Known Bug.

If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
know that it is solved:

If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
following page to enter your feedback:

You received this question notification because you are a direct
subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

If it was resolvabit wouldn't be a bug would it. Keep an eye on the bug reports and updates to see how it progresses

Revision history for this message
W Craig (w-craig2005) said :

It might be resolvable, but I don't know very much about resolving such things. Since upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 I have had far too many problems, mainly with firefox and google chrome. I have already sent you some system reports, but don't know if it was of any use. I keep opening my browsers in the terminal, but all that tells me I have already forwarded.

--- actionparsnip <email address hidden> schrieb am Mi, 17.11.2010:

Von: actionparsnip <email address hidden>
Betreff: Re: [Question #133453]: (<unknown>:2809): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
An: <email address hidden>
Datum: Mittwoch, 17. November, 2010 21:10 Uhr

Your question #133453 on gnome-terminal in ubuntu changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

actionparsnip proposed the following answer:
If it was resolvabit wouldn't be a bug would it. Keep an eye on the bug
reports and updates to see how it progresses

If this answers your question, please go to the following page to let us
know that it is solved:

If you still need help, you can reply to this email or go to the
following page to enter your feedback:

You received this question notification because you are a direct
subscriber of the question.

Revision history for this message
Sam_ (and-sam) said :

Please don't reply via mail to Launchpad mail notification but visit directly your question Launchpad site link, otherwise replies via email result in an endless thread incl. redundant quotations.

Did you actually read the bug report?

Does the issue remain when running flash sites?
Which and how did you install flash?

Does the issue remain when running Firefox in safe mode?

> Since upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10

Ok then, sounds you like taking risks.
Remove current flash app and install 'square' from Adobe.

## Firefox should be closed during the procedures.

Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask W Craig for more information if necessary.

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